Being healthy Vs Being Fit


Have you ever wondered … “If I’m healthy, I need to be fit? Or, if I’m fit, I have to be healthy?”

Well, the truth is that they are two different things.

Being healthy simply means that the immune system is in a better position or stronger, so you will not get sick easily. The immune system is able to handle the invading bacteria or viruses; remove waste and detoxify the body in a more efficient manner.

Being fit simply means that the body system and limps is better form. With regular exercise, you improve the working of the heart, lungs, muscles and limping.

While matching can help us to be healthy, it does not guarantee us to be healthy. Similarly, a healthy can help us to become more fit, it does not mean that we will be fit.

To be fit, it is necessary for us to engage in regular, moderate exercise. To be healthy, we need to do more to improve our immune system. Our lifestyle, how much sleep and rest, what kind of food we eat, how to de-stress after work today, have any impact on our health.

There are people who are very fit, but the crash and died. One example is Ranjan Das, former CEO of SAP, died suddenly at the age of 42, after a gym workout. It was found out that he had only 4 to 5 hours of sleep every day for years.

Similarly, there are hundreds of people who are healthy, but they had difficulty running 4 rounds 800 meters field.

Being healthy or stay fit, there is something in common. We all need discipline! Discipline to exercise regularly, eat and sleep well, avoid unhealthy food, enjoy every moment of life.

We do not need to make a choice. Everyone can do both. Let us aim to be healthy and be FIT!


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