Dark Chocolate – A Healthy Snack Option


Chocolate …. 12 billion people eat chocolate every day. It is considered entertainment, dessert, even a guilty pleasure. But is it really that bad for you? The evidence comes in the Daily to disputes that thinking. Many studies are finding that dark chocolate can actually be very good for you. That’s right, eating the right kind of dark chocolate can have many positive effects on your body. The reason for this is because dark chocolate contains high levels of antioxidants in it. Here are just a few of the health benefits

– Helps to lower blood pressure

– Protects the body from the effects of free radicals

– Contains serotonin which acts as an antidepressant

– Helps to lower cholesterol by reducing LDL cholesterol

There are a few things to keep in mind though when choosing “healthy” chocolate. Chocolate is highly processed and alkaline may contain:

– large amounts of sugar

– a large amount of fat and fillers

– A small amount of antioxidants

Therefore, to know what is in dark chocolate you’re eating, and how it is done is, if you want to eat it for the health benefits. It has been shown that heating during chocolate processing actually destroys antioxidants. Therefore, you will want to eat chocolate is cold inside when processed. This type of chocolate will keep the highest amount of antioxidants and be most beneficial to your body. One such Xocai chocolate is produced by MXI Corp. They informed that they use cold-pressed, non-alkaline process of creating their chocolate. They have also stated that this chocolate is low in fat and made with a complex sugar, rather than highly processed and refined white sugar. Another important thing to consider.

All in all, it is clear that dark chocolate does have health benefits that make it a worthy dessert. Moderation is also key. Just like in everything you eat too much of it can outweigh the health benefits so use your best judgment.


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