The benefits of having a healthy heart


heart plays an important role in keeping the body alive. The heart is a pump that pumps life through the body. The heart has two main functions. It pumps blood to the lungs to download oxygen and then pumps oxygen into the blood and moves the rest of the body.

heart is actually a muscle and you have to keep training the muscles to keep the air conditioning. As the saying goes, if you do not use it you will lose it, and this also applies to the heart.

When the heart is in top condition the body acts as a highly maintained car engine, it runs perfectly. The heart is healthy and well taken care of is able to handle the demands and stress placed on the body. The body has been designed to move there is a constant movement that keeps the heart fit

A healthy heart can provide you and your body with many advantages as follows :.

• By acquiring the habit of doing exercise every day can greatly reduce the risk of heart disease and heart attack. This exercise need not be intense are made for a long time. To 15 minutes a day of exercise that makes you breathless will greatly improve heart health.

• A heart that is healthy and strong body will be able to work better. This allows the body to more strenuous activities and common daily tasks is done with efficiency and comfort.

• A training and a healthy heart works better than the one who is out of state. This means that it strikes at a lower rate when the body is at rest. Over time means the heart works less and do not wear out.

• The great thing about the heart is that it has the ability to heal and repair itself. For example, if it has already been damaged by heart disease it can be done through the proper process and healing activities.

As you can see the heart plays a very important role and as it is the muscles you need to keep training it to keep it healthy. The best way to do this is to look at your current lifestyle and see if any improvements can be made. For example, you could cut down on fatty foods and introduce more fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. If you do not take any exercise then perhaps you should consider joining a gym or go jogging several times a week to keep you and your heart in shape.

Always seek medical advice before changing your diet or take exercise if you have a health condition.


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