Healthy Body – Healthy Mind


More than two thousand years ago, Hippocrates, the Greek physician and father of medicine, said: “A wise man should realize that health is the most valuable asset.”

We are committed to Hippocrates “and others from the past for

reminds us that fitness and health is not just a new and passing phenomenon, and neither are the ways to achieve and maintain good health.

Fundamentals good health, known and proven so

long, are available for anyone who decides they want to fully enjoy the enormous benefits of healthy living.

The reality of this lesson is brought home in a compelling story of more than a century ago by American boy, sick and weakened by childhood diseases, sought refuge from physical disabilities his love of books and reading. As time went on, as his mind grew from his studies, his body continues to fail.

worried father last 12 year old son, “You have the mind but not the body, and without the help of the body the mind can not go as far as it should. You must make your body know you must do it! “And the wise father gave the boy weight and other gymnastics equipment and worked with him to strengthen the frail young body.

Well, this story has a happy ending amazing. The boy attended encouragement of his father, and not only worked hard to restore his health, but was a better athlete, graduated from Harvard University and went on to lead an active life vigorously outstanding performance. This once sickly boy eventually became 26 president. He was Theodore Roosevelt, who at 42 years old, and the youngest man ever to become president.

Throughout his life, Roosevelt practiced what he called, “the

hard life. “Energetic his commitment to the movement

with boxing, horseback riding, swimming and hiking among others.

Teddy Roosevelt learned an important basis for good

health movement and activity. He showed that our bodies are

intended to get stronger as they are used continually challenge

a purposeful movement.

Teddy Roosevelt, incidentally, was a great outdoorsman and probably

knew more about science than any other president who has always

been in office, and some of the notable achievements were in his

conservation areas. He added that about 150 million hectares

National Forests, set up five new national parks, created the first

51 federal bird reservations and founded the first four national

game preserves. He loved nature and worked to preserve

environment for future generations.

Roosevelt undoubtedly agree Hippocrates see it, “first

wealth is health. “And the old proverb that takes Hippocrates

concept one step further by saying, “Health is better than wealth.”

Because life Teddy Roosevelt is substantially a good example

life-changing power to achieve and maintain good health. The

simple moral of his story is that nothing is more important to

build a successful life and good health.

As Teddy Roosevelt showed us the secret to good health is not

complex. They are known and waiting for you to discover them and,

most importantly, to put them into practice. The blessings and joy

good health and fitness can be yours when you choose to make them

priorities in life.

Good health, you know, does have the ability to live life to the full

to be able to experience the best that life has to offer. It

does have the endurance and energy. It is to have the ability to pursue

dreams with the confidence that you will be able to achieve


It is doubtful that Teddy Roosevelt had accomplished much in

his life would not be the word of advice his father

to develop their bodies as well as his mind. It is worth

think about, especially these days when so many of us live

sedentary lives. We can only go where our bodies can take us,

and our bodies need exercise to stay healthy and strong. So remember:

build both body and mind. They are a powerful combination.

Teddy Roosevelt turned it

measures necessary :. Commit to a solid set health goals and

get you in the best physical shape starting today.

Everything Counts

Gary Ryan Blair


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