Is Yoga Addictive?


Yoga feels good and is addictive, millions will argue or rather agree. The question is, Does it grow on you slowly from a casual acquaintance to a loyal partner and friend? Can it move through all aspects of your being? Here’s the story of a Yoga addict. It is my story.

When I reached for a 1968 paper back on yoga many moons ago at Montreal’s airport, it was the promise in the title that tempted me. It promised: Be Young With Yoga – and at the back it continued to entice – And Never Feel Old and Tired Again. The yellow paperback by Richard L. Hittleman has green and red letters. Pages discolored, cover tattered, it has relocated with me in as many moons.

My body said yes to yoga poses in rare delight. “Restore grace, balance, poise and self-confidence”. It beckoned and I followed; an eager youth. Experimenting. Awkward. Intrigued. I read and practiced. Practiced and read.

In the last pages it told of “the infinite wisdom of the mental and philosophical aspects of yoga (particularly Raja Yoga)”. My heart craved to taste this ancient wisdom; to be absorbed with more. And my prayer was answered. I found myself drinking from the Yoga Philosophy cup every day. Waking early in the “ambrosial hour of nectar”, amrit vela, longing to sit in stillness and be absorbed in the silence once more. Aah, wine for the soul. It brought that elusive inner peace. And after drinking and drinking, peace remained – a garland adorned around the neck.

Back then Yoga was in the shadows. Far from the daylight fast-paced hot activity it is now. Still as it did thousands of years ago, it flowed in your veins and enriched your blood. It softened your eyes, and calmed your heart. It made you stand on your feet, and implanted courage in your backbone. It dared you defy the norm and find your voice.

For sure, sometimes I staggered as I walked; and lost friends along the way. And even family raised their brows and prayed that I’d find their way again and not indulge so much. Instead I grew less inhibited, and chose to do the unthinkable.. to follow my body’s way. The drink of Yoga relieved anxiety. I definitely became more lively.

Daily hundreds of thousands of addicts drink from the variety within Yoga’s cup. Some look forward to finally relaxing. Some enjoy working up a sweat. Others experience freedom in chanting loudly or silently. How have you experimented with Yoga’s drugs? I’d like to know your story.


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