Yoga DVD For Beginners


A thoughtful, insightful, honest, and well-written beginners yoga DVD review will help you make up your mind about your practice of yoga before it guides your choice of the best yoga DVD for beginners for you.

Are you absolutely sure you want a yoga DVD for beginners?

Are you absolutely sure you want to begin the practice of yoga? Yoga does wonderful things for your body, mind, and spirit, but it will not shred and striate your muscles in the next month. Yoga will stretch, strengthen, and tone all your major muscles, but the practice of yoga may never burn enough calories for you to shed a single pound. Yoga will develop your self-control, body awareness, and grace, teaching you to move languidly and fluidly. Yoga never will increase your vertical leap, help you throw a ball faster, or fire-up your bat speed. Because yoga leads to union with the divine and eternal life in all things, it will contribute to your sense of calm contentment. Frankly, if you want to become a tougher, more intense competitor, yoga probably lives at the antipodes of what you want. So, are you sure you really want a beginner’s DVD?

Yoga numbers among the world’s very few zero-impact exercises. Practicing yoga, you always move, touch, flex, stretch, expand and contract gently, breathing into your motions and feeling each movement practically down to the fire of each tiny synapse. Practice of yoga packs no punch. It does, however, hold tremendous power. So, are you sure you really and truly want a yoga DVD for beginners?

What to do with a beginners yoga DVD review…

If zero-impact, slow and deliberate stretching and strengthening sounds good to you, let a proper beginners yoga video review guide you to the video that will fire your enthusiasm for yoga, making you eager to continue your practice day by day and pose by pose. A good beginner yoga video review, naturally, will summarize the video’s contents-how many workouts for how long with what kind of emphasis, and all the usual stuff you absolutely need to know. A good review, however, will focus on both the video’s continuity and its evolution; because, as you get stronger and evolve from practice to practice, you want to feel as though you resume where you left-off. You also want to feel as though you end each practice a little more powerful and proficient than where you began. Your reviewer will assess that stuff.

A good yoga DVD for beginners review also will evaluate the video’s mood and tone. Some beginner yoga DVDs have exactly the right content developed in exactly the right sequence, yet they seem so shrill and annoying no one can survive even the first twenty minutes of the two-hour disc. Some beginner yoga DVDs have all the best visuals and none of the right audio. Hip-hop music and proper yoga practice really do not mix. A good DVD review will look for harmony among all the workouts elements.

When you finish a good beginners yoga review, you should feel confident you want to pursue your practice of yoga, and you should feel equally confident you know which beginners yoga DVD will guide you.


Yoga for Beginners: The Second Step of Yoga Practice


What is more important – the Yoga teacher or the style of Yoga being taught? Firstly, you should research the nine major styles of Yoga: Bhakti, Hatha, Jnana, Karma, Kundalini, Mantra, Raja, Tantra, and Yantra Yoga. Then, make a choice as to which path of Yoga you would like to pursue.

Seek out a Yoga teacher or Guru, in your preferred style, for guidance. If this is not possible, due to distance or time, you should do a lot more Yoga reading. When visiting a bookstore or library, browse through the Yoga books for the one that “draws you in.”

If you choose to study Hatha Yoga, or a Hatha Yoga sub-style, the first book I would personally recommend is, “The Heart of Yoga, Developing a Personal Practice,” by T.K.V. Desikachar. T.K.V. Desikachar trained many of today’s modern Yoga masters, and this one book will help anyone develop their own routine.

Notice that I have not recommended a DVD. Why is that? Although Yoga DVD’s are very informative, some people get hurt practicing Hatha Yoga, while watching a DVD at the same time. It is not uncommon to hear that a beginning Yoga student was injured at home while practicing Yoga with a DVD.

The truth is – DVD’s are great learning tools for Yoga teachers, Yoga teacher interns, and Yoga teacher training sessions. Until a “holographic Yoga teacher” is developed to guide and assist you, in your own home, reading is much safer.

If you have been reading and practicing for six months, a beginner or gentle Yoga DVD should be fine, but please watch it, at least once, before attempting to do any Yoga technique. There is nothing wrong with watching a Yoga DVD a few times and taking notes before attempting any Yoga technique.

When you read, envision, and understand a Yoga technique, it will be much safer on your first attempt. Many of us are impatient and want to learn everything at once. In Yoga, this will never happen. In fact, one life is just not enough time to learn everything there is to know about Yoga.

Let’s look at options for learning Yoga from a Yoga teacher in your area. How do you choose a local Yoga teacher that is right for you? If you have done your research, you know what style of Yoga that you are interested in; but what should you be looking for in a Yoga teacher?

A Yoga teacher should be ethical, compassionate, understanding, and have time for your questions. Your religious ideas should not be challenged in a Yoga class. You should not be required to make drastic lifestyle changes.

However, as you continue to study Yoga, you will naturally improve your health.

© Copyright 2006 – Paul Jerard / Aura Publications


Types of Yoga For Beginner


Today many types of Yoga are in market. Yoga aspirants often get confused with so many different types of Yoga and there names. They don’t know which form of Yoga is suitable for them as only introductory information is available online which doesn’t give much details on a particular form of Yoga.

Why are there so many types of Yoga?

Actually Yoga is a complete philosophy of health and happiness in life. Yoga includes both physical and mental exercises which are used by a Yogi or Yoga aspirant depending upon the ultimate goal he wants to achieve from Yoga. Yoga gurus have introduced there own style of Yoga and these styles of Yoga are named after them. There are some types of Yoga which are suitable for a specific body condition or person like Pregnancy Yoga.

Which form of Yoga is suitable for me?

Every form of Yoga is good for body and health if learned under the guidance of a learned guru. Yoga is suitable for a wide range of people as anyone can choose Yoga postures which are comfortable for him. Those who have any physical problem can do mental yoga like Raja Yoga. So, start doing yoga for which a learned teacher is available in your vicinity.

Learning Yoga from books?

One can also learn Yoga from a book or video but this is not as effective as learning Yoga under the guidance of a learned teacher. Yoga is not like exercise, which are meant to bring physical wellbeing. Performing a single yoga posture can bring different results in different aspirants depending on there expectation and interest in Yoga.

What are most popular types of Yoga?

Most popular types of Yoga today are :

1. Raja Yoga

2. Hatha Yoga

3. Iyengar Yoga

4. Bikram Yoga or Hot Yoga

5. Pregnancy Yoga

6. Laughter Yoga

7. Ashtanga Yoga

These are some of the most popular forms of Yoga today which are currently practised by a number of people all over the world.
