Yoga For Beginners


Yoga is a wonderful practice that can deliver many benefits. Yoga is widely practiced all over the world and as of today is a very popular method for getting great exercise.

Yoga not only exercises your body, but you mind and soul as well. Yoga physical exercises go hand in hand with yoga meditations. This was started out in India so long ago you might not even believe it. They have found artifacts that depict people in Yoga positions that date back to 3000BC.

The most common practiced form of Yoga is western countries is Hatha Yoga. Which is the form of Yoga based mostly on exercises and positions. The popularity of this has boomed due to the enormous benefits that those who practice it receive.

Students practicing Hatha Yoga see improved strength, lowered stress, lower body fat, and all the other benefits of getting regular exercise.

Getting into the basics…

If you have decided to give Yoga a try, then welcome and good for you. There are several places in just about every city to find a good Yoga practitioner. Take your time and find one that you like and feel comfortable with. Before you start here are some basic tips.

Make sure to wear loose and comfortable clothing. You will be moving you body a lot and this is essential.

Just like any other exercise activity, I would suggest doing it on an empty stomach.

Pay close attention to any position or exercise that is painful. Yoga is not supposed to be painful, so if something gives you the sensation of pain then you need to ease into that position and avoid injury.

Try to have a clear mind. The sensations of a good Yoga exercises should leave your mind relieved of stress when by the time you are finished. Focus on your body and your breathing during the exercises. This will help you reach that point.

Take your time when finding a Yoga studio or other place that offers Yoga. A good studio is well ventilated and lit. Most importantly is that you like your instructor. So dive into it. One thing about Yoga that is so great is that I can promise you once you start, you will see nothing but good things from practicing it.


Yoga For Beginners: Choosing Yoga Equipment


Yoga is about being relaxed and calm, and if you want to perform at your best, you will need to have the right equipment. You’ll need to learn about the various types of equipment as well as determining where you can get your yoga equipment. If you want to purchase your equipment online, there are some great websites for all of your yoga needs.

Buy Yoga Mat sells brands such as Bean and Hugger. Not only do they offer yoga mats, but they also carry blankets, books, and blocks. This company has been in business since 2002 and is very affordable. Gaiam sells environmentally-friendly products such as yoga mats, bags, videos, and yoga kits. Yoga Accessories, which has been in business since 1997, carries a huge selection of blocks, mats, towels, and videos. Yoga Best Buy is a shop from which you can get all of your yoga essentials, such as books, CDs, and videos.

If you don’t want to buy your supplies online, you can purchase them in the sporting goods section of stores such as Walmart or Target. You can also purchase your equipment at yoga studios or sporting goods stores.

Mats are typically the first item that anyone buys when starting out with yoga. You’ll need a high-quality mat that is sturdy and doesn’t move around while you are involved in yoga. It should be thick as well as comfortable to sit on. The mat should be long enough so that when you are lying down to do a yoga pose; your head or legs are not hanging off the mat.

Yoga blocks are normally made of foam material, but they can be made from wood as well. These are used to relieve some of the pressure from poses where you are standing up. They are also useful for poses where you put your hands or head on the floor.

Yoga blankets are used in several different ways. During meditation, they are used to place over your head to make the mediation process seem more surreal. Blankets are also used for stability while you are in a sitting pose. Use a yoga blanket that is colorful and pleasing to your eye. You want the blanket to be made of materials that are not itchy or uncomfortable.

Meditation cushions will keep you comfortable in a sitting position while you meditate. There are several kinds of meditation cushions, and you should purchase one that fits your body type, is comfortable for you to sit on, and is well-made.


Yoga for Beginners, A Good Place to Start!


If you’ve been dealing with some health challenges, or have not been exercising or stretching much recently, you can still begin your yoga practice in an easy, enjoyable way!

Yoga does not have to be difficult for it to effectively manage and relieve pain! Find out why today is a good day to start your yoga practice!

The easier “schools” of yoga include: Kripalu Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Gentle Yoga, Sivananda Yoga, Integral Yoga and Iyengar Yoga. Please note that Iyengar yoga can be gentle or rigorous depending on your teacher!

Here is a brief list of Yoga Classes to avoid if you’re seeking a gentle way to learn Yoga. The classes that are physically rigorous, and thus not ideal for beginners (unless you’re a real athlete already) are:

Power Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Yoga with Weights, and Bikram Yoga aka Hot Yoga.

The good news is that you can reap the benefits of yoga, whether you take a gentle class or a rigorous class. These benefits include: stretching and strengthening both body & mind, finding your balance in more ways than one, and taking time to breathe deeply, relax, and enjoy life in the present moment.

So, how can you start your Yoga practice? Simply call the Yoga Centers and Health Clubs nearest your home and ask them about the kinds of yoga classes they offer. Ask them if they offer a Yoga Class for Beginners. Most Yoga Centers make a point of doing this!

Then you can follow-up by trying different Yoga teachers and Yoga Classes in your neighborhood and finding at least 2 per week that fit your schedule.

Finally, you can purchase a Yoga DVD, either online or at your local health food store. Please be sure that it includes gentle, easy poses that are good for beginners! This can help you jump start your daily practice at home.

For more information about upcoming easy Yoga DVDs, you are welcome to contact so that you can be informed when the new DVDs are ready!

Now, just a bit of “Yoga Lingo” for you as you start your own personal Yoga Journey: the word “Namaste!” is often said at the beginning and end of yoga classes. It means, “I salute the light within you!”

May you be peaceful and well! Namaste!
