5 Industries You Should Invest in Now!

Investing in a small business or franchise—or even buying stocks in a company—is a smart way to increase your money. Investing in a business as the owner or a stockholder can result in big returns if the opportunity is right. There is always some level of risk with an investment, so how do you choose where to invest your money?

The good news is that there are a number of industries that are consistently making profits and increasing in size. There is no such thing as a sure thing in investing, but some of these lucrative industries are as close as you can get.

#1 Promotional Products
This $20 billion industry is an integral part of the business-to-business (B2B) market. Selling to other businesses is a great way to make money because businesses invest in products and services that help their customers.

The promotional products industry includes a variety of items that companies can use as rewards and incentives, apparel and uniforms, and swag for customers. Some of the offerings in the promotional products industry include:

Bags and totes
Corporate gifts and service awards
Water bottles
These are just some of the products that a promotional marketing company may sell to its B2B customers.

Opportunities in this field are varied. There are franchise opportunities with established businesses, or you can start your own business. You can even invest in the stock of a business in this huge industry.

#2 Real Estate
Across the world, some of the most wealthy people made their fortunes in real estate. Buying and selling property, primarily in urban areas, can be a real money maker. According to Forbes, 9% of the world’s billionaires earned their fortunes buying and selling real estate.

There are a number of ways to profit in the real estate industry. Flipping properties, though difficult, can be incredibly lucrative for someone who knows what they are doing. Some people become real estate agents and make commissions on every home they sell. Still others invest in a rental property or purchase entire complexes to sell or rent.

#3 Finance and Investments
It seems like a no brainer that working in finance is a great way to accumulate wealth. Experts in finance advise others on how to manage and grow their money, so they have the knowledge to help their own finances.

Another piece of this industry involves buying and selling stocks. Learning the ins and outs of the stock market is like learning a different language, but it has proven to be incredibly profitable. Companies that deal in finance and investments make their owners wealthy by making the clients wealthy.

Opportunities in finance and investments can be as simple as buying and selling stocks on your own, investing in a mutual fund or hedge fund company’s stock, or becoming a financial advisor for a career.

#4 Technology
Technology is an important part of everyday life, and new technology seems to be hitting the markets every day. Investing in technology does not mean you have to have a great idea for the next big thing. You can invest in the technology industry by buying stocks in an existing company or investing in someone else’s good idea.

#5 Food and Dining
It is no secret that Americans love to eat, so the food and dining industry is a good one to invest in. Investment opportunities in this industry are many and varied, including everything from fast food to fine dining.

The restaurant industry is tough to break into, but it can prove to be extremely profitable when it works. Some savvy entrepreneurs start their own restaurants and others buy franchises of existing successes. Either way, putting money into the food and dining industry can be a real moneymaker.

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