Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Vs Traditional Advertising

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is a form of advertising on the web and is somewhat different from traditional ads. SEM's purpose is universal than a traditional ad is intended to meet the needs of individual or local customers. SEM is designed to get business or product ranked on higher echelons to the right of search results through the Google AdWords campaign or YSM in Yahoo. SEM is a paid campaign where the ultimate goal of the advertiser is to rank the top by paying the highest bidder. The text ads from advertisers on the right are the ads that Google has paid for each click.

Traditional commercial covers the masses through expensive electronic communications. In addition, it is also very expensive to create a very high-quality ad campaign. It's this expensive nature of the traditional media over SEM, which allows small and medium-sized business accounts directly for cost effective SEM methods.

Pull Based Advertising / Push Based Advertising

SEM is based on a torch, but traditional ads are ads based on push. This means that when you go to the web ads, you have the actual potential traffic that visits you. Future traffic is interested in buying products and services, and you do not have to shout to them to buy products or services. However, in the case of traditional ads, this is not the case, because it is the advertiser who needs to approach customers located in the target audience and shout for a product / service.

Tracking potential customers / visitors

Under the innovative and clever SEM method, the advertiser can easily track powerful customers / visitors using user-friendly and easy web analytics software like Google Analytics, Cliff Tracks, etc. In this way, the advertiser can know about the real return on money spent on the market. Based on profitability, the advertiser can optimize the campaign. However, this is simply not possible in the traditional ad method. There is no real and appropriate method in which you can actually calculate the total number of target groups who will drop your products or hire your services.

Effect on sales and profits

Advertisers through SEM can reach the maximum number of customers within a limited time, and this is simply not possible if a traditional ad is used. In the case of a traditional ad, it may take several months before the actual impact of ads can be recognized. SEM provides long-term sales and profits. Even if you've quit the SEM campaign, you can continue to achieve increased sales ever and ever. However, in the case of traditional ads, sales and profits only increase in the short term. Once you have stopped advertising your products or services, your sales and profits will decrease.

Advertising Cost and Budget

SEM is a fast track and cost effective form of advertising, but the traditional ad is a slow process method and expensive form of advertising. With the above comparison, it can easily be concluded that if you really want to save money and reach the world quickly, then SEM is the only way to go.

Source by Ololade Adedayo

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