5×5 Secret Rules of Design and Advertising – Part 1 – Basic Principles

Set 1: 5 Principles

1. Creation is nothing. (Without skills)

Some are born creative. They lean over with intuitive bubbles and always come up with a brand new and earthy idea. But what makes a creative person a good designer? What matters is your ability to produce. Kreativity one is very precious, agree, but what if you can not change it in true value?

Check out the advertising industry. Classic creative team consists of creative director with at least one art director and copywriter. Now – how exactly did his CD's work?

In general, he left one of the other places. He can only do his job if he knows how to get out of the pot – in other words, he must know how to correct his creativity. Therefore, this is the rule number one: without talent, creation means nothing. But let's proceed to the 2nd secret of design:

2. Ideas are all. (With True Inspiration)

When a new project comes, we can not always count on our natural talent to create a great idea. Yes, we could have a lot of ideas turning in our head and we start to put them down – but what if we find out that they do not look like we live? And what if we have blockade and no ideas at all?

In these cases, we must take steps to come up with ideas. Of course, can not think of an idea. How often did you sit and wait to come, but nothing happened?

What we can do is inspire us by opening the door to inspiration. We can do this in different ways, both at the table and outside. Sometimes you can go for a walk by relinquishing your mind or meeting friends. There are various inspiration methods, and you may already know one or two of them.

3. Your computer is your most important device – right after your brain and empty sheet

Your brain does all the work, not Mac or Adobe. It's always better to have a plan before you start. It's like a "normal" life. Read how to design better and faster than trial and error, and the newspaper against the screen, both at Nubloo.com.

4. Valuable Resources Are Extremely Necessary

Do you know how much time you have spent looking for a photo or photo you want to use in your design? If you're not lucky enough to have photographers you can work with or if your client's budget does not allow custom photography, you'll need a lot of valuable photos, photos, and even videos at your disposal. Companies do a great job here. There are many out there, although only a few you can rate very valuable. The price is free to over $ 500 for a photo. Although free pages usually do not have quality and you should consider shooting before you pay 500 dollars for photo, there are some great sites where you can get high quality images for $ 1 each, free of charge.

There is no way around iStockphoto. They claim to be the world's largest image market. Other good sites are Dreamstime, 123rf and StockXpert – check this too.

5. All you have done has been done when

Do you know the world's ads? It is a teriffic website posting creative advertising daily. The community has the opportunity to comment on each ad. If you look around you will quickly discover at least one community member who writes in one word: DONE .

It can be very fun. Given the fact that the majority of ideas in advertising have already been made in one way or another, I have the tendency to * cough * smile at these companies that are spooking on the ground and inform us with their " done "on every single page. Who can say what is an original idea? There is a thin line between inspiration and plagiarism, I agree; but sometimes it's a great idea for Type A based on a great idea for product B, which has been adapted from a great idea of ​​service C. Depending on the adaptation. Open Vogue or GQ and see exactly the same ad for 10 different fashion items on the first 10 pages – done, done! Create a good idea and create something new, wonderfully creative and beautiful for another brand: well done.

What do you think about this?

The following mail is in our 2nd place in this order, there will be about 5 contract rules.

Source by Robert Augustin

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