Ezine Advertising Religion

Freedom of expression, lack of education, plus others & # 39; hordes instincts make some monsters … the myths. It is said: A fool throws a stone into the lake and twenty wise can not stop the ripple. "

Let's see what some ezine ads" experts "discovered and many other followers spread everywhere they could …

1) Ezine Advertising Still Does not Work

] Article marketing does not work PPC does not work Ezine ads do not work. Actually, some people do not work. You know why they are spreading rumors instead of investing in their education.

Well, that is not our problem what other people do, but do you know what the real problem is? There is no "up there" to force us to wear the badges.

What are you? Markin?

For example, how nice would it be if the "dumb" tag was added to someone trying to drive with the tank on his new Mercedes voyage? When this person will tell you, "Hey, these new cars are good for nothing "then you'll look at his mark, say politely" I'll see … "and then you'll escape fast

2) Longer waiting time, the better of Ezine

If the waiting time to display Your private sales ads are long (over 4-6 weeks), you found the gem. If you read articles about ads in ezines, it's impossible to notice this "wonderful" idea.

Let me tell you something soon …

In the last 6 months, the waiting time for your ads was published in my "Ezine Advertising Info Newsletter" for at least 2 months. And you know what? My newsletter is NOT a gem. I wish it was, but it is not.

By the way, I just check something … I do not have an embarrassing bass 😉

3) The higher the number of subscribers, the better advertisers and # 39; Conclusion

First of all, the result is highly dependent on you. If you advertise poor quality products, if your landing page is not good, if your ad copies the same, it does not matter the number of subscribers. You will fail anyway.

On the other hand, most times a very large number of subscribers cover something: the list is old or email addresses are purchased ways (large no-no) or even the number of subscribers is fake.

Allow me to quote the latest report issued by a reputable email company: " Messages delivered in small and medium-sized lists are much more open and click on prices than messages delivered to a list as contain 1000 or more subscribers and click on price, but mail on a smaller list may be better targeted, contain more relevant content, or have the latest subscribers. "(MailerMailer, May 2009 Report Market Analysis Report)

This report is not based on views or motivated small size disturbances, but analyzes over 300 million messages in 21 industries sent to MailerMailer between July 1 and December 21, 2008.

There are many other promotions on ezine ads (such as "Buy single simple ads and ads with best sponsors.") But I was not going to write a novel here …

To succeed, whatever you do!
Adrian Jock

Source by Adrian Jock

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