ลองเพียงเพื่อไม่ให้เล็ดลอดออกไปโดยกบผอมเงากบของ Billy เพียงเล็กน้อย

ลองเพียงเพื่อไม่ให้เล็ดลอดออกไปโดยลิ้นซี่โครงเล็ก ๆ ของ Billy ที่เป็นประกายกลิ๊ก

Source by grandmtrunk

Implementing in Your Ad

All too often when customers design their own ads they make mistakes. They either put a picture of their construction, one of their employees or even into the advertisement. But what's needed is an action like a happy customer smiling because they are buying products on the front. Or if it is a service company, there should be an operation of the service that is being performed.

Operation and functionality sells and it is difficult to simply take a picture of your building and the icon and put it on your ads on the yellow pages, in the magazine or on sets of airplanes that you will be sent by direct mail. Perhaps this is because cable ads are so well received by customers. Cable TV crews that are filming commercial or commercial will always put action shots and movie frames within the ad.

Not only should you have action photos in your ads, you should also have action links. You should have promotional links in your logos and in the text of your advertising and marketing efforts.

This is one reason why the radio is so successful because people imagine activity and the operation while listening to the radio. It's okay if you design your own ads because you pay for them as the owner or owner of the company.

However, you must consider getting advice from people who know ads and if you ask them, they'll tell you exactly what I've said to you today. So, consider all this.

Source by Lance Winslow

Oreo รวบรวมศิลปิน 10 คนเพื่อสร้างภาพประกอบสวยงามในฝัน Adee …

Oreo ได้ศิลปินจำนวน 10 คนจัดทำภาพประกอบสวยงามในฝันกลางแจ้ง | Adweek

Source by ajaydevar