Secrets of Successful Medical Ads

Business technology for physicians is strange animals. On the one hand, it is very controlled and rules and ads that are like pigs and blankets (that sounds good, but it's not just when both are real things). However, the people who make medical advertisements rarely know about advertising.

Ads are tricky companies, especially in the medical world. A myth that gets a lot of being a medical advertiser is a problem, the announcement that an ad is a commercial is advertisement. In other words, you advertise running shoes the same way you sell beta blockers. These ads are often visually rather striking and tend to rely on a capture image and a small amount of clever verbiage.

If you sell perfume or shampoo or even the services of realtors, you may probably go away with eye-catcher and a few words because people generally know how these things work. But when you advertise a pharmaceutical company and service, you sell something complicated people who are an expert.

An expert is usually an individual who wants to know more about the subject. Ask your heart failure doctor for heart failure and you will tell you about heart failure. He is willing to learn more about heart failure. He likes reading heart failure. If he shows the new device for heart failure and when he is lightweight with the copy, he understands that your product may not be very good or else you would have said more about it. After all, if you have stunning new features or something cool auto-algorithm or other special benefits, you would certainly mention them in an ad.

Long ago, I was studying ads for competitive intelligence that I did. I had heard the product had a special feature, but I noticed that the company regularly advertises the product, but in such few words, this feature did not appear. It was quite baffling and some of my people completed this new product did not have these new features after all. It turned out that it made the ads just a shame of inaction. But customers who are very interested in your products must read your ads and think that the features you do not mention are not part of a new product.

Experts also evaluate attributes rather than benefits. It goes against the cores of some people who have read one or two books on advertising, as most tips tell you to sell benefits rather than attributes. It works in the consumer world or when you advertise something for someone who does not understand how the product works. When customers have a lot of expertise, you want to know the qualities rather than the benefits. Nowadays, a person who buys a car knows the pros and cons of automatic transportation; You do not have to sell him the benefits, you just name those qualities. Documents tell you about your content or algorithms or other features, and they can find out if it matters to them.

Long copy sells more than a short copy. There are actually advertising research that prove this. Most designers will tell you that your ad is all about images and it's something true if you're a prize (prizes tend to go for visually appealing ads). But if you want to see how many ads convert people into action and you are viewing a copy.

You can even prove this to yourself. Imagine that you had to sell something. You may only use one: all images or all words. Who would you choose? You must choose a word. You can not sell with just pictures (how would the person order or buy the product if it did not have a name or company related to it?). But you can sell with only words.

This does not limit the importance and value of a strong image. But never let the designer mafia push you away from the words of the ads. Your words are what sells and in an advertisement you need to discuss your product carefully in a manner that is very interesting for the reader. Preferably, the product loads a lot of headache for a potential buyer. It offers a little breakthrough and will save time, worsening or otherwise making things better and easier. Your ad should be placed in this way and then given all content.

Do not minimize content. Throw a graph, if you need one or a table.

It's important to spend a lot of time thinking about everything your potential customer might have against your product and then thinking about how to deal with them. Do not run away from this; against it. There are many ways to do this. You can name them and knock them down ("Another drug for embryos? Yes, but it's different … it's for men.") Or you can fight them ("cholesterol drugs worked very well, but side effects made they are dangerous for a little the number of patients. Our new drug is as effective as a marketing leader, but fewer fewer patients experience side effects, and for those who had side effects, 99% were mild to allow patients to continue taking the drug. ") Another way is to just evaporate right over them. ("All pacemakers are required to provide comprehensive diagnostic information, but the actual test of the diagnosis is: provide the information you need to take care of your patients? Our diagnostic device was designed to maximize relevant information and minimize the fluff. setup page so if our analysis is not exactly what you need, you can customize reports for your clinic.)

You start to notice someone. You can not always do well in half a dozen words. celebrity to build a good case in an ad and that's what you want.

Some advertisers fear that nobody will read their ad if it's very long. The fact is that two people will see the ad your: they are worried about what you sell and those who do not Those who do not care will not read the ad, even if it was very short. Those who care will start reading it and giving G what's right for them, will continue. The fact is that if you can get a person to read 5 words, you can usually get him to read 500 more, because you're talking about something he's interested in.

In a Way, medical advertisers are fortunate because doctors are naturally greedy readers. They consume amount of printed content every week, so reading 500 words in an ad is nothing for them.

If your doctor or other customer is interested in the product, he or she will want to know more, product details, want to hear how you object to them and want to see other information, case studies or other information you may have. may announce. Think about the last time you bought a car. If you were close to deciding on a particular car, you definitely read it a lot. You were eager to learn more about the actions. You wanted to hear about other people's experiences with this car. You wanted to check out all the specifications.

It does not matter with advertisements to professionals. Give them information.

Source by Jo Ann LeQuang

โฆษณากองโจรเป็นวิธีที่สร้างสรรค์และสนุกในการโฆษณา How convenien …

โฆษณากองโจรเป็นวิธีที่สร้างสรรค์และสนุกสนานในการโฆษณา โฆษณานี้มีความสะดวกเพียงใด? ไม่ได้อะไรที่ทำให้คุณอยากไปซื้อนาฬิกาข้อมือนั้น?

Source by jermaineyoung