PPC Advertising – What Works Better, PPC Advertising or Article Marketing?

PPC advertising or article marketing? Difficult call, ha? PPC ads are fast, that's albeit. And it certainly creates a response. And it's easy – just set up your account and send them your money.

But article marketing is time-consuming, not fast, you can not tell how many subscribers you will receive today until you get over 2-3 three hundred articles published in the correct articles.

PPC ads stop when you stop sending money. You are extinguished when you lose money. Just say that way. No more ways.

By marketing the article I could not stop it if I wanted. Glætan. Even though I have omitted each article from each article, I have so many published articles around the world on websites that it would be almost impossible to draw.

PPC ads get me about 15% open price on email that I send to subscribers who subscribe for a popular PPC company (you know each).

Marketing articles get me 70% open price on the email I send to subscribers who subscribe to articles I've written.

This is not a brainer for me.

So what about you? Obviously, you need to do some tests before you will know just what works for you. But do not think you have to do PPC work to succeed. You can do as well, probably much better, with articles. Give that shot!

Source by Sean Mize

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