15 minutes of strange promotion strikes $ 1,000,000 of advertisements – 10 times out of 10!


One of the most important principals for business success is to create awareness about your product or service. If you are an artist, coach, public speaker or business owner, you must get the word out. The problem is keeping your product or service in front of the public can be more expensive than ever before.

Another major problem is that we live in a world where consumers are most effective in marketing – especially advertising. When people are stupid enough to read a fine ad, they realize they've wasted their time and did not get anything useful. Usually most people are not looking for most ads. I, for one, can spend the entire hour reading the magazine and not reading one advertisement.

Having a celebrity spokesman for promoting your product might help – but I bet you can not afford this. Even if you can afford beautiful business transactions on Super Bowl broadcast, it's still a very risky bet. You will be lucky enough to get enough sales on your product to pay 10 percent of the cost of producing and running the business.

This means you need to use cost-effective benefits. The best part is the discussion. An ad is information related to a person, group, event or product.

Coverage is achieved through various media, including newspapers, magazines, radio, television and internet. Particularly convincing advantage of this approach is that coverage requires little or no money – all that takes you is time and effort.

The biggest advantage of advertising, however, is that people are considering much more valuable than advertising. Now it's cool, or what? Something that you can get for free can be ten to hundred times as effective and something you have to pay thousands of dollars.

In fact, millions of dollars can not buy the same results as the best press release can give you. Above all, promotions put you away from the race much better than ads can ever.

One key to getting a presentation is a controversy. Only by being different and daring can you be controversial. It is clear that the media love disputes – take advantage of this.

Being controversial involves reviewing feathers and even getting a good share of the population simple upset. This means that despite a quarter of a third of the population, you will love yourself. The reminder will either hate you or accept your message.

The problem with most applicants is that they are trying to be too good; They are not willing to stand or be at least controversial. Never be prompted to be good to interfere with being different. When it comes to a presentation, it's a lot of truth with George Bernard Shaw's words: "The secret of success is to break the greatest number of people."

Whatever it is, best marketing practices often go against common sense. There's nothing to say where stupid and strange idea could lead if you're ready to test it. Above all, be bold and be harmless. Try something that's legal to get your product or service.

Again, if you want a lot of coverage about your product or business, you need to do something new – even strange – to stand out. A notorious presentation that applies for your product or service will get more results. Indeed, fifteen minutes of strange public beat $ 1,000,000 of advertisements – ten times out of ten!

Source by Ernie Zelinski

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