Discover Pros and Cons of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) versus Pay Per Click


You have just launched your new website (or launched redesign) and now you are waiting for awaiting orders to roll in. But wait a minute, something is wrong … there seems to be nothing. It's as if your website does not exist.

Well, I hate to explode your sphere, but if you have either a well-known website or multiple websites that relate to you, you need to rely on the search engine. And if your site is not ranked on the first three results pages, it's usually not possible to find you at all.

So … you know what's next; That's right, you need a good dose of search engine marketing (SEM) to make sure your website is listed on the search engines & # 39; Results of pages. Do this and the traffic to your website will soon follow.

"Right", I hear you say. "Let's do the marketing of search engines then …"

Well, it's definitely a good start! But first, you must work out your approach to maximize your returns. Allow this Search Engine Marketing Policy . In order to create an effective strategy, you need to understand a bit more about how search engine marketing works. Currently, we can roughly speak separate search engine marketing in two different ways:

  1. Organic: including search engine optimization, links from other web sites, and external marketing networks.
  2. Paid: including pay per click, paid submission and online advertising (banner ads).

To help you further, I have outlined the advantages and disadvantages of each approach to SEM and presented my suggestions below.

Organic: Advantages

  1. The majority of the search engine optimization tools (SEO) are disposable activities and are usually charged on the amount.
  2. The changes to your website will probably still be appropriate and drive traffic to your site per year from now on.
  3. Credibility: most (research suggests between 60 and 80 percent) will click on the organic results rather than costly results.
  4. If you live well in one of the major search engines (Google / Yahoo / MSN), you'll most likely come across major search engines across the globe.

Organic: Disadvantages

  1. Changes must be made to your website. Typically, the changes are invisible to visitors. However, if you invest heavily in search engine-unfriendly sites, the process can be time consuming and expensive; and sometimes you may need significant changes to your copy, navigation, or site design. Of course, you will see returns if you commit to the necessary changes.
  2. Results (location and traffic) start slower. You will usually see results within 3-4 months.
  3. There is no guarantee. Since search engines themselves have the last say, you can not tell how many seats you get for a particular search term or machine. nor can you predict how much traffic you get to your site.

Paid: Advantages

  1. Ads-per-Click (PPC) advertising plans are quick to implement. It usually takes 2-3 weeks to install and run. Google AdWords is running as soon as you start your campaign and Overture listings are within 3-5 business days (after the editor has viewed them).
  2. Nothing needs to be edited on your webpage, though, I recommend that you create landing pages for each ad they've been expanding to expand (but that's another topic for the second time!).
  3. There are no limits to the number of terms or keywords that you can offer.
  4. PPC is good if you plan to run presentations through your site, where you can turn on and off the PPC campaign anytime you choose.
  5. You can start where the listing appears on the results page (within the ad area) and decide what the ad says.
  6. It is very easy to try out all the different search terms and offers, etc. and measure the results.

Paid: Disadvantages

  1. Clicks can be expensive. Invasion war often breaks.
  2. You must continue to pay for clicks each month. If your budget is always cut, your listings will disappear, along with search engines, your traffic.
  3. Most (research points between 60 and 80 percent) will click on the organic results rather than costly results.
  4. It requires the period to monitor and adjust listings continuously or budget to outsource this activity.
  5. Registrations are subject to editorial certification. With SEO, you can specify whatever you want on your webpage (which is where search engines drag the title and description of the page). But with PPC, editors demand that all listings are real and you do not compare your business with others. This means that even if you see the "biggest" system, you can not say that.

Now you know a little about the pros and cons of both organic and paid search engine marketing, you have to decide how to access online marketing.

Organic marketing is probably best if:

  1. You want to spend a little time in search engine marketing and get it to pay in the future for potential All search engines are all over the world.
  2. You have a budget to work now and want to save money later.
  3. Your website is fairly simple, without a lot of complex bells and whistles.
  4. You can afford to wait a month or two for results.
  5. You do not want to manage or maintain anything on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.

Paid ads may be for you if:

  1. You want to get up and running quickly.
  2. You have a presentation where you want to enable and disable PPC campaign.
  3. You want to be able to test your search terms, products or offers and quickly see results.
  4. Your website is a search engine-unfriendly and you do not want to invest in changing it.
  5. You are sure that you have the budget to spend over time and you have time to hold places on a regular basis.

Of course, many companies and companies deal with both organic and paid SEM at the same time and this is what I would usually recommend to maximize attracting qualified traffic to a website.

If you are designing your site or redesign your existing, make sure your developer knows how to create a search engine optimized code or work closely with an SEO consultant. Getting it right from the start will save you time and money in the long run. And you do not have to pay fortune, but whether you do this in front

If you have an existing website you want optimize, you might decide to do if your current website is not search engine friendly. If your site has been built with high usage of frames or dynamic pages (your URL may look like: ), the cost to fix These problems can be dragged down. If this is the case, it's time to consider seriously refining your site until you've been organized.

However, the use of low-paid (CPC) bidding for optimization can be a great way to pin down the necessary keywords to use through the duplicate site by listing which keyword customers are most responsive to your campaign.

Source by David Crowther

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