Etymology-How Words Change Over Time


Etymology is a study of the origin of words.

As language developing meaning words can change over time. This causes confusion and misunderstanding in communicating with other people.

In the world, you were creating communication, advertising or marketing; not only is it important to have clarity in your message, it's also important to think about your audience and understand how they understand words and messages.

On the positive side that the words change meaning over time, it has been noted that languages ​​that live, adapt and grow over time.

Example would be good. Nice used to be insulted and fooled or stupid in the 13th century and it went through many changes up to the 18th century with meaning like unconventional, extravagant, elegant, strange, mild, thin and shy or coy. Now it means good and fun or thoughtful and good.

Silly meant blessed or happy in the 11th century and went through frustration, innocent, harmless, terrible and weak thinking before he died as stupid or stupid.

Pretty good, it turned out cleverly or knowingly, fine and ended up as beautiful.

Some other changes are:

Word ______ Original meaning

Awful________ Desvering awe

Bead _________Prayer

Girl __________ Young person of both sexes

Neck_________ Land of the country (as in the forest)

Discomfort ______ Harmful harm



There are a few reasons why words change meaning. One is the influence of other languages ​​and cultures. Throughout history, many nations were confronted by conquering or mixing, introducing their own language to the mixture. Another reason is usually using slang words. We are used to using them so often that we forget that we are even.

So when it comes to defining words, the standard magazine, which, on the other hand, can show many markings for one word, and that is the definition of a word in the tube.
As well, the slang word is wider and often used more often than before, making them a common place in many communities.

Due to the advancement of science and technology, new words are also created at incredible speed. By continuing with the new words and your use of them will help in your understanding of becoming a master communicator.

Once in ten years, the Merriam-Webster dictionary has been updated. In their 11th edition for 2003 there were about 10,000 new words along with 100,000 new labels to find words that are now and about 225.00 revised definitions.

Some snake words that have made it in the dictionary are;

Headbanger-hard rock musician and fan

Death Presidents – Paper Value

Prairie Gophering – People Who Match Over Their Cabinets At Work.

McJob- Low pay and dead-end work.

Comb-over-attempt to cover bald spots

You can learn more words in the wording.

We can use this as a second reminder, especially when it's important to reach a group goal, that what a word means to us may not have the same meaning with someone else.

There is also emotional response that different people need to decide words. But that's another story …

Source by Maria Boomhower

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