How is marketing different than advertising and why am I thinking?

I've met hundreds of small business owners and one that I've noticed is that they use the terms of marketing and advertising. It may look like semantics, but in truth they are different. Let's look at just the commonly accepted definition that Merriam-Webster publishes on their network:

Advertising: The technology and practices used to bring products, services, opinions or causes of public notices for that purpose

Marketing (noun): Employees involved in telling people about the company's products, ensuring that products are available for purchase, etc.

Well, it definitely clears everything, is not it? No, not even a little!

So, if Merrium and Webster can not clearly distinguish between the two, what chance does the owner of a small company have? Nothing, game over, take the ball and go home. No wait! You can ask someone who knows. You can ask for a market. ORDER: You need to know the difference between the marketer and the advertiser.

Congratulations on you, I can explain the difference (and it has only taken you 200 or so words to get here).

Ads are just a bit, subgroup marketing. That's not all things. Like putting is not the game of golf; It's an important part, but still a bit. The set is like the reseller advertisement – it's one side of everything. Marketing starts at the start – before you even get to the golf course. Marketing (to "operate" this analogue in the ground – and make divorce) would be what classes are we playing? What day and time? Who's in our quarter, etc.? When you're there: What club do I use why stains, how should I approach this green, etc., until you finally get green and can pull out – putter (tad-ah).

The Ads Dealer (and I'm not reducing them) usually sells only one type of ad. Perhaps you put something in an envelope for you, or magazine, or on the radio or in a big yellow book. Rarely will they have a strategic plan for your business to go to market. They are like a caddy with only six iron in his bag (still with the golf?). If you ask: "What club should I use from here?" Guess what answer do you get? "Well, I'd use a wedge." No, you'll get, "" I would use six iron. "I think I've got a golf match right now.

So marketing is the whole process of bringing your business, product or service to the people who will use / buy it. Ads are one piece of the pie , aside from which we can immerse our teeth). Therefore, the place to start really starts – even if you've been in business for a while. It all starts with a single question, one word – WHO? Who uses or wants what you want are you selling?

You must answer this question before you can go to the market. You need to do marketing research (the first step in marketing) to get this answer. If you try to be everything for everyone, it does not work (and it will drive you crazy). if you have pizza and guy going to want to burrito do not try to sell him something he does not want tell him where he gives lucky get a good burrito. When he wants a pizza hopefully the burrito guy will tell him where you are E (because he obviously can not read).

Other aspects of your marketing campaign include a media plan, product promotion, pricing, distribution and (one of the most important) customer service. Marketing really depends on the color and design of your logo for how customers are greeted on the phone or personally to the ads that reach them with whatever medium you choose.

So it's the difference between advertising and marketing. Now – why should you think? Because it's your business! Marketing can make a difference between limping along, barely surviving and having a strong, thriving business. During depression and subsequent recession, the companies who lived not only lived but flourished and grew who continued to advertise and market themselves adequately. The idea you can not afford to advertise is a short sight and a recipe for disaster. If you have a small business, you need to understand the importance of marketing, learn how to do it or hire someone to help you.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy it,

Steve Wathen

] Search for future things that will (hopefully) clear this image.

Source by Steve Wathen

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