Introduction to the World of PPC Advertising


PPC or Pay Per Click is another form of advertising that can be done on search engines, ad networks and websites or blogs. Pay per click is when an advertiser pays only for clicks on his website. When the advertiser finds the site to which she wants to advertise, they then offer search terms or keywords that they think people will search for on search engines. For example, if you have a website about food or offers groceries like cookbooks, wine, food, kitchen equipment, etc. Then you would offer keywords related to these words or make them word specific keywords. A good example of this would be Google AdSense. Publishers can earn money by placing ads on their pages and you have an advertiser the possibility that your ad will be placed on the ads. Only when a user clicks on these ads must an advertiser pay, and so he calls for a click. The minimum CPC depends on the page you decide to advertise with. Usually, the lowest bid is allowed $ 0.01. The area where the advertiser would purchase the bids would be on AdWords.

There are also other payments on plans that may be better for you. These payments on applications are paid for each call, paid for each delivery, paid for each operation, paid for each route, and even paid for each call. You can use any or all of these advertising plans to get more visitors to your site, visitors who are specifically looking for what it's promoting or selling. Your best bet is to do a search for "PPC Advertising" and before choosing the site, do some research, find some reviews. Ask them at the level you go. See what types of sites get the best deals, best results, etc. There are tons of sites out there that will be happy for you to sign up as an advertiser or publisher. Some are legit, some are not. Choose carefully. Another small tip that I can give you from personal experience is whether and when you find a PPC site or someone paid for each page, and for the first time you use your site, use a small amount of money before you get very big campaigns. This way you can safely try out the page by losing too much money in that process.

Here are examples of some legitimate sites where you can buy bids as an advertiser. Some of these are better suited for PPC others are better able to pay in advance or pay for each operation. Google AdWords, Bidvertiser, Adbrite, Yahoo! Search, Microsoft Adcenter, LookSmart, Amazon. Other good sites to try to advertise on are social networking sites like MySpace, Facebook, Xanga, Moli, etc. Usually, social networking sites are a great cost though but you can be sure it's worth it. MySpace alone has over 200 million members, there are a lot of eyes just waiting to review your ads! Good luck with your offer, I hope you found the article that braces you some good ideas about what PPC is and how to handle it when you search for sites to put your ads on.

Source by Konrad Braun

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