Offline Advertising – How to Use Offline Advertising to Drive Traffic II

I recommend that you search and find a short and / or highly mature domain for what you want to use to advertise without Internet connection. You can have an autoresponder resolve in the same location as your other webpages, and you can even direct the page to your primary privacy break if you choose. But you want to be a url they see to be one that they can easily remember and are also easy to write down.

I'm a big believer in short and sweet ads. I do not believe that a magazine or magazine ad is a place to sell – I believe you just click on your site.

I like to run with headline first, then line of benefits, then line of features (or offer for free gift), my path is in the last line. So my ad would look like this:

Weight Loss Fast

Lose 1 £ a week, no hunger

Free Book Book Here:

Another outside avenue is a direct mail. One of the big things related to direct mail is that there are no calling or spam. There are two good ways to do this:

1) Use postcards. Use the same formula as above, though you may want to include a consolidated list of features and benefits instead of one line each, but the idea is the same: the action is squeezing.

2) Use one leaflet letter. This one-sided sales list should be basically sales height and # 39; for your free item. Sell ​​them to get it, then give them free … again, they have to go on squeezing your site to actually collect it.

Source by Sean Mize

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