Marketing Advertising – "No, No" Marketing Ads


The terms "marketing" and "ads" seem to overlap the minds of most Americans. However, marketing and advertising are actually two different processes where marketing is the process with leader scope. However, there are two methods that answer in many ways and actually overlap. The method of advertising for example can benefit from typical marketing processes, especially at the beginning of the course. Marriage marketing and advertising could potentially lead to newly created saying: marketing.

Four reasons for advertising may fail and why "market sharing" is more effective

According to article on online 10 rules for more effective advertising2 There are numerous ways that even advertisers can get or unknowingly make the flop of an ad campaign.

Some of the unpleasant methods are as follows:

  1. Using information provided in AZ format without exchanging information in a story that people may refer to.
  2. Do not be clear about the purpose of the ad. Subtle ads are not necessarily good. Advertisers should make the operation obvious.
  3. Failed to "talk" to audience feelings. According to the article there are "eight basic, universal emotions – joy, surprise, expectation, confirmation, fear, anger, sorrow and threat." The article also says: "The increased bonus is that a good emotional opportunity limits the number of exposures needed to allow the audience to understand, learn and respond to calls to action – people may only need to see emotional videos once and they will remember these scenes for a lifetime. "
  4. Use attachments and results that are too complex. Ads are not meant to be complex. Otherwise, it would not be easy to advertise an ad anymore, would it be?

I would also add that the big marketing "no, no" is to avoid fundamental market research. Without market research, the agency may even ignore ads mentioned above and still fail to stimulate actions among certain target audiences.

Market Research: Promote Your Advertising Ad Campaign Right

An advertiser does not have to be a marketplace to get to know their audience (ie, its market) works for better ads. Amongst the avoidance of the mistakes mentioned above, advertisers or marketing advertisers need to know the market as well as their budget and energy permits, as advertisements (even with all recommended factors) can not encourage audiences to act. Take the Burger King "Herb the Nerd" advertisement (see MSNBC 10 Worst Super Bowl Ads of All Time3 ) as an example of what does not work does not work. The transaction (although it contained most of the claims that was included in the list above) was a tragic seizure, as many of the people who viewed the transaction were annoyed by the actor who played Herb the Nerd and was otherwise uncomfortable with the emotions that the ad attempted to induce first place. With more market research or more marketing of advertising, sometimes Burger King's agency could avoid getting a million dollars fiasco.4

Even amateur marketers and advertisers are aware that market research can be very valuable but many are Not willing to spend the time and effort needed to find an effective marketing strategy . ESP especially since the market may have sneaking suspicion that even when viewers say they like one advertisement, they could actually respond more willingly (or emotionally) to another commercial.5 Market research, depending on may be associated with something or all the following methods:

  • Surveys
  • Focus Groups
  • Personal Interviews
  • Examination
  • Field Trials
  • ]

Market research can also include the company's history of its own advertisements. Campaigns that responded well in the past could simply respond to the restoration.

Finally, it is said that advertising humor and simplicity can contribute to major transactions.

Finally, it is said that advertising humor and simplicity can contribute to a major transaction success. 8 The Windex Birds Commercial9 could be a good example of humor and simplicity for Windex buyers.



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Source by Marci Lynn Crane

ความสนุกบางอย่างอาจเป็นแบบนี้สำหรับภาพถ่ายในงานแต่งงาน ……

ความสนุกบางอย่างอาจเป็นแบบนี้สำหรับภาพถ่ายในงานแต่งงาน …

Source by flygirl813126

Using PPC Ads Effectively


Suppose you really need traffic to your website now. It may take several months to rank well with search engines, and you can not wait for that long. The solution to this is pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. With PPC, you actually pay the search engine to list your website above all others. This is usually done in a separate section of the search results page.

Two top PPC programs on the Internet belong to Google and Yahoo. The Google program is called Google AdWords. This application is the biggest PPC system on the internet, hands down. It is also the most expensive, which can really work out our advantages. I will explain it only later.

How most PPC ads work is like this: You get a small amount of text to add to your ad, usually only a few lines. You then request a variety of keywords that you want your ad to appear when someone searches for them. The price of keywords may vary, anywhere from 2 or 3 cents to $ 100 or more for the top place. As a rule, more general and popular keywords, the more it costs.

You need to be very careful with some more expensive keywords, you can end Google's debt a lot of money very quickly. If a keyword costs $ 2 per click and you get 1,000 clicks a day, you owe Google $ 2000. I do not know about you, but this is not exactly the best thing to start with a web page.

How do you choose which keywords you want to use in your PPC campaigns? If you read my article on an AdSense site, you can use this method of choosing keywords. The basic information consists of finding keywords that are related to each other, getting a large number of searches with the number of results for a particular keyword. Take the keywords with the best proportion and highest pay rates, then build based on these kewyords.

However, there are small differences when choosing keywords for AdWords campaigns. You need to view the total number of other AdWords campaigns that appear for each keyword. Select only those keywords that have 15 or fewer campaigns running. A number of other campaigns that are running give you an idea of ​​how much competition you have.

How do you write a good AdWords ad? My favorite method is really fun, there is no sale – sale. You actually say that people should buy someone else's products. You read it right, do not tell them to buy your things. Tell them to buy some other content, so when it does not work, they will know where to come to get content that works. here is an example

Do not buy this lawnmower
Go buy another one's mowers.
When it breaks, come to us.


The world's best lawn
Guaranteed not to break.
Get this and you will not regret it.

What do you want to click on? The first man makes you curious, but the latter sounds like a regular velocity. You really need to stand out of the crowd to get the good traffic you need. The good news is that with Google AdWords, the better your ad does, the cheaper it costs. You may end up paying very little for the top keywords that cost people a lot of money.

You should always try to improve your clickthrough rate no matter what. You can do this through a process called Split Testing. What you do is run two very similar ads at the same time. Similarly, I have one or two words, or the top and bottom lines are twisted. Run these ads at the same time with the same keywords, with about 30 clicks per ad. Delete the worst carrier, copy the ones that work and make another small change. Repeat this process forever and your clickthrough rate will definitely go up.

There are some other PPC programs on the Internet, and most do not charge for the same price Google makes. The cost of $ 3.00 keywords on Google will sometimes be $ 0.05 on this smaller PPC system. What I want to do is test the new PPC campaign using one of these small schemes to limit the cost. Once I'm sure it works, I'll copy it to Google and run it for quick results.

Power Tip: Here's a neat little taste: Find the most profitable AdSense keywords, build the AdSense site around those keywords, then set up an ad campaign on one of the smaller PPC systems. You'll end up paying only a few cents per visitor, and if they click on your AdSense campaigns you get a big installment from Google. This is commonly referred to as a traffic center between people.

If you do not want to set up a website and market it, you can use PPC campaigns to sell others' products. You must participate in a collaborative project for any product you are trying to sell. Once you get your affiliate link, you can use it as a destination URL for your PPC ads. If you buy a sale, you will receive the fee that pays for the ad.

This is actually the easiest way to make money online, but I need some tests to make sure you do not spend your money. If you have not made one sale after 300 clicks, stop promoting the product and find something else.

Source by Christopher Shireman