Online Advertising – 4 Reasons Why You Should Do It


Advertising online is a relatively new phenomenon that seems to be increasingly popular and almost essential to the owners of small businesses these days. A large proportion of people in the US have computers and they spend a lot of time online. In fact, many people think that the time spent on the computer / internet will quickly take time to watch TV and read. So if your customers spend more time online … should you not advertise them online? There are plenty of benefits to advertise online that I will cover here. Especially, these are instant, profitability, effective and cheap.

1. Instant

There are several ways to advertise online, but each of them has the option of being instantaneous. Email, PPC, Text Ads, Banner Ads, CPC, SEO, SEM, Affiliate. You have previously heard many of these terms before you do not have it and that's okay. What matters is that you know that all these ads are digital and take effect immediately. Whether you send an email, create a campaign on Google, or make SEO improvements to your site, you can start monitoring your success from the moment you click.

2. ROI-

Return on Investment is a pretty easy calculation for the most part, but it's a totally necessary piece of the ad show. There are a few different ways to calculate profitability, but in very simple form it looks like:

ROI = (Profit of Investment-Cost of Investment) / Investment Cost

Simple right? Well, one of the best things is that you can calculate clean and accurate profitability … Even if you do not sell products online. The easiest way to do that is to submit online coupons to your website. Every time someone buys using the coupon you know this business was a profit from online investment. Of course, if you participate in e-commerce then this whole calculation is made immediately for you … because it's digital.

3. Effective-

What I mean to be successful in this case is simple; There is no other advertising item, so much you can earn by spending $ 0. Yes, you can actually advertise online for no money money but simply invested. Think about this another time. You can collect email addresses on your website and send out e-mail about your product every month. Or you could add a blog to your website and write some informative posts related to your products that will give your site an enhanced SEO factor and drive more visitors to your site. You could even write a comment on an industry article and put a link to your site in the comment. The cost of doing all this = 0, but these are all effective options for sending traffic to your website.

4. Cheap-

Have you seen recent costs for trading on the Super Bowl? Believe me, you do not even want to know. In addition, do you know how expensive it is to make a relevant advertisement? Well, it's not cheap. Advertising online is cheap though. Want to put your ad in Wall Street Journal? … $ 50 – 100k. Do you want to be in the Health magazine? … Say $ 10 – 20k. Want to rent out billboard space on Highway 101? … No, you do not. Do you want to have an ad on's frontpage, one of the leading internet ports? … $ 50 bucks. We already had some of the free advertising options, but even "expensive" online options are reliably cheap. You can buy links to Google for just a few cents each time your ad is clicked. Or you could throw your banners on Yahoo for as little as $ 3 per thousand impressions (cost per thousand). That means 1000 people would see your ad on Yahoo and you would pay $ 3. Cheap right?

Source by Scott D White