Free Business Ideas for Online Business

Today, an economy is important for all small businesses to utilize as many free advertising services as they can borrow. These ideas should make the advertising process a little easier.

Host competition or event

This will open new ways to advertise for free. There are many websites out there to inform people about competitions and events that her members might be interested in. Have a small access fee to cover the cost of the prize and you will receive traffic from a group of people who might not find you.

Local Free Advertising

Call a local newspaper to create an interesting story or business idea for your business. Also, submit your articles to local articles and magazines for consideration. This method of free advertising works best for urban areas, but it's never a pain to try. The worst thing one can tell you is no! Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Learning SEO technology is one of the best free advertising techniques. A few tips are to use only a few keyword types on each page, maintain 5.5% keyword strengths, use meta tutorials and emails, create and submit an XML sitemap, as well as use keywords in your URL.

Personal Credits

Improving personal contact with your company is a great way to get repeat customers or a good way to close sales. Send personalized e-mails, newsletters about not only your services but also your family or friends, give gifts with each purchase or even jot, thank you for the quick and send it to tell your customers that they really matter to you.

Free Articles

Submitting SEO-rich articles to analytics sites can be a great way to advertise your website or service. However, do not submit the same articles to your website. Search engines punish duplicate content. Instead, you should rewrite some of your articles first.

Link Building

The more inbound, one way links your website, the higher it will appear in the search engines. These inbound links work best if your web pages are relevant to your interests. These links are the only ones seeking giant Google recognizes. To build links you can submit to a blog or guest blog for someone, submit articles and press releases for consultation, email webmasters, posting forums and commenting on blogs. Remember that these links are not only for search engines, they can also drive legitimate traffic.

Free Classifieds

Sending a free link to free classifieds can yield the appropriate traffic. Describe your website in a fascinating way and curious people will click on your link.

Social Networking

Websites like MySpace and Facebook can be a great place to advertise through. You can build a website just for your business and advertise directly to your "friends". My personal technique for making friends involves looking for groups interested in my content and asking friends to add from these members. If you only want 20-40 friends a day you will probably not be marked as spam. The key to making friends is to enter a personal message that does not appear to be online.

"Hi, I noticed you're a chef. My website is running a recipe competition. You should check it!"

I have found that explanations like this in friend request lead to 1 in 3 people I approach to add as a friend. Once your friend list is confirmed, you can blog, send email or send notifications about your business.

Social Bookmarking

New online advertising strategy includes social bookmarking sites like Digg and StumbleUpon. See for your own social bookmark button. It is now (almost) necessary for all websites to allow social bookmarks. If you have viral content on your webpage, it can really be paid.

Viral videos

Food bowl and mentos, syringe bathtub and wheel that plays Guitar hero videos made almost nothing. If you have a camera, it's worth trying to send a video on YouTube. Of course, this is not an easy task. It's impossible to say what's going to be a virus. Other video options include sending information related to your site. You can make a simple slideshow of music and text with Microsoft MovieMaker. Add a link to your site on your videos and in your profile. Over time, you should reap the results.

Free Alternate Directory Submission

There are many links online that are of particular interest. These directories seek to help consumers find the best websites and information available. To find these directories, simply search for the appropriate term and "file".

Source by Heather Rutherfordstone