The first steps to maximizing ad performance


Bringing a product or service to the market requires much more than simply designing a product / service for consumption. The best products in the world can deliver the worst results if it is not marketed in an efficient and approved manner. But what is the best way to approach marketplaces and how to position a product to target the right demographic number? The best and most successful advertising companies have learned to expect success with less than 50% of their marketing plans and leave the main products on shelves or in dust collecting stores. Despite the numbers, there are two rules that must be followed to increase the chances of success.

  1. Clearly Define Your Target Audience – There are few products that have true universal interest. Most people are focused on the topic; some cover many niches and some just one niche. Before starting production, I recommend that the target audience is clearly identified. When this is done, the product needs to fill the need or desire for this particular consumer. If in the targeting process, the target audience is chosen incorrectly, even the best designed advertising work will decrease. Why? We live in those times when we have access to a seemingly endless supply of goods / services, and we are flooded with information about these products. Imagine that the "consumer interest" of consumers is like a key temperature that only allows information that matches the key height. Any commercial, email, direct mail letter, advertisement or "testimony of word of mouth" that tries to get through is filtered out and not allowed access to the consumer's "mind". Without, of course, they will fit. This is what I call "a choice." Without this visible filtering device we will flood with "interesting products" and be slightly chosen. The consumer must block a vast majority of information to maintain health issues. Successful target selection clearly defines the target audience and fully understands their buying practices, estimated needs and interests and convenience pricing. Universal products that tried to simplify "market bombing" technology often have a response rate well below 1%. These advertising methods are subject to mass advertising methods like direct mail, domestic commercial ads and email blasts. The point is that typical consumers receive 4-5pb "spam" per day, adjusts most ads and has SPAM blocking software to filter out unsolicited emails. Blast Marketing understands this and needs to position its prices to the extent that makes such a low response rate and still returns the profit. For some products / services, this works. But for the vast majority, it fails. As a direct response market, I've seen first evidence of the consequences of poor consumer recognition and the right audience. Many companies are quick to blame the advertising agency when the product responds to delivering results, but more often than not, it's not the ad itself, but the wrong marketing license is being taught.
  2. Timing- The best time to sell sausages is when people are hungry for sausages. The best way to sell sausages is to sell them on time, for the right person and at the right price. Simple, ha? Well, this is the most challenging part of going to market strategy and requires a lot of awareness and a little luck. Many cruise lines began to build "Super Ships" a few years ago when the economy was growing quickly. When the ships were finally ready for a seal, the economy began a recent negotiations. Bad timing? Yes. Preventive? No unless you have a magic ball or a lot of luck. The fact is that you have to adjust in production time in what direction of marketing strategy. What's hot today can get cold in a month (or even shorter!) Trying to find a marketing method is like rolling the dice; too early and your product is not understood or accepted. Too late, and you will be "also rushed." What is the best way to guess the workplace? Here's what I tell customers; "The best way to get in is the trend you start!" If your product / service is unique enough to create alcohol that attracts attention, just create a trend. I'm not a manufacturer, so I'm not an expert in creating policy products. However, many products can be developed with a truly successful ad. But everything starts with the first level and defines the target audience.

There are literally hundreds of factors to keep in mind when deciding to advertise your methods and approaches, but if these two factors are not first viewed then you are ready to be very expensive and intense to go to market strategy. Doing your homework before thinking about the end-of-life system could save millions and increase the chances of success. Who knows, you could be the next strategy setter!

Source by T. Patrick Phelps

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