UK Media Advertising

UK Media

Advertising There are many opportunities to advertise a brand, product or service within the UK advertising market.
Below is a list of various media options available to you.
National Event
National and Regional Media

There are even more options available from the above media. for you.
But in this article, I would like to take this opportunity to take you through these various traditional media services and knowledge.
The reason for this is that I am building a new business library and want to offer me services to those interested in promoting your products or services in the UK but are not sure where to start.
Also, let me declare that I'm not going to do this too technically and will only provide you with information about the top line to get an overview of what can be achieved.


I have written an article about the start days with planning and purchase of UK TV commercials that you can read by clicking here.
One of the most important and funniest changes in television stations in the UK over the past decade is to introduce satellite and digital television channels in the UK. By the end of the day, basically, the cost of access to TV for many advertisers has reduced, it has also created many more inspection and stock options.
The choice and selection of television channels are now in the range of 200+, but what does this mean?
Basically, no matter how big or small your budget is, there will be an opportunity to promote your brand or service on the TV.
Let me take you through different options available.

You can purchase regionally and in various areas, even broken down into macroeconomic areas, making ITV affordable than you could expect.
Also, ITV has a number of domestic satellite stations ie. ITV2,3,4.
Before the ITV1 natoinal and even the satellite channels, you can buy the radio on several bands:

Coffee time (early morning for noon)
Day (1200-16.30)
Pre-Peak (16:30 -18: 00)
Peak (18.00-22.00)
Late Peak (22.00-)

Note: This time zone is a rough guide for all stations.
For example, if you have an adult 50+ brand, you can reach them by promoting your product or service by noon and at. 16.30-18.00 (which is great time for this age group).
Of course, your target audience will have different time zones and options for reaching potential customers.


Is generally between 06.00-09.30 and operates on a national and macroeconomic basis of GMTV. CH4 also serves breakfast service.
Additionally, depending on your target audience, they are ideal for accommodating your housewives and housewives with your children.
You must keep in mind that GMTV carries a significant number of advertisers of toys.


The probability that ITV was considered younger, however, is available nationally and with macroeconomic areas.
CH4 also works with its own +4 +4 satellite channels, which offer a wide range of opportunities to reach your target audience (or, as I say, potential customers).

Available at national level.

Satellite / Digital Tv

The options available at these stations are great, so rather than going too much detail, I'll be short. There are channels that cover everything you can think of, from vacation, history, sports, etc.
It should be noted, however, that satellite TV stations can only be purchased at national level, but the entry will be lower than launching the ITV1 campaign.
I should also like to make you aware that the ITV1 audience will be higher than the satellite channels.

I intended to keep the above information short and just to give you a sense of what is available. The ability to understand this background in the market is where I get over 30 years of background and direct relationship with media owners.
Information about the UK research team is very advanced and you can discuss this if you would like to advertise on television.
Before I go here is a list of TV sizes that can be bought:
10, 20, 30, 40 & # 39; and 60 seconds. (The average UK TV ad is 30 seconds).


& # 39; The theater in mind & # 39; as I call it or as known in the article.
UK commercial radio can be bought locally or nationally. The flexibility of the radio is the benefit of immediate action and can be used in any combination with other media or stand alone.
Local radio can be a very cheap and great way to promote a product or service and improve the frequency of any campaign.

Who said national pressure was a dead, national journalist compatible with a total of millions of readers today.
Daily / Sunday Post
Daily / Sunday Post
Daily / Sunday Post
Daily / Sunday Post
Daily / Sunday Post
Daily /
Daily / Sunday Times
Daily / Independence Day on Sunday
Daily / Sunday Star
(There are Other Titles)

The various titles above cover a variety of demographics, and you can plan to reach your target audience by using a number of sizes in color or black and white. Do not forget that they also carry a wide range of dietary supplements that cover many things, ie. Fashion, food and beverage, motor etc.


You will find thousands of these titles across the UK, from free sheets to pay for titles.
They cover almost all cities and cities in the UK.
They tend to cover only local news and events and deliver local classified ads.
Great combination with local radio.
If you are setting up a product or service at national level and using local / regional short, you should compare the cost of local / regional media pressures. As sometimes, you will find a nationally short option more cost effective.


There are too many glowing magazines to register here, although many are available in the UK. Close to all the materials and lifestyle you can think of.
From "Capital Region", "Home and Park" to & # 39; Fish Friers Gazette & # 39; Yes, really.
The potential of reaching potential customers (market with limits) can certainly be achieved through good planning and acquisition.
Within shiny titles you can buy (like example) 1/4pages, 1 / 2pages, pages and double page payments, etc.
The key to getting it right is to know the budget and creative treatment and eventually the market.
When this is said, it's just a matter of good planning and negotiation on your behalf.
It should also be noted that many of these titles are also classified ads.


Movie theater is an excellent media opportunity to uncover your brand or service at the younger end of the market, ie. 15-25 years old. Use of longer ads that greatly impacts.
Movies can be purchased in many packages from a particular brand to a location throughout the UK.

Or outside like we want to call it in the media.
Rights Posters
London Underground
Ferry Port
It is very variable and the possibilities are high.
The key to some graphic ads in a creative copy. By this I mean if you place a static poster as it may be, the copy must be short and concise, as your creative message must be seen and understood quickly and easily, as bypassing by having only a short frame to embark on a message.

With locations like bus stations and railway stations and underground stations, you can refer more copies as the viewer's ability has more time to read your ad.

Larger outdoor areas are a great way to promote brand promotion.
With shopping bags that are ideal for reaching their potential customers at the time of purchase
you can find outdoor activities in the UK, from high streets to airports.


I have tried to provide detailed instructions on various media opportunities that you have access through this blog to promote brand, product or service. I will update this article from time to time and hope you have found some of this information useful.

If you are considering advertising in the UK and need further help, you can contact me by email

Source by Harry Wilson

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