Ad Loans – Ad Product Categories


Ad campaigns are used to expand national, regional, or local campaigns. They add variety, frequency, and value to broadcast, or may be exclusive as highly effective campaigns.

For those who try to "go green", truck ads are great, though often overlooked, the option of mobile billboards. Truck ads are displayed on unfinished work cars, but mobile billboards are on truck-only ads.

Advantages of Medium –

Trucks can be used as a broad branded medium or as a target medium (such as a retail store). If advertisers want to add more to the Trucks Trucks, promotional options can add great additions.

Truck ads are not bound by demographic or geographical location, so close is endless. This mobility assumes scope as other types of OOH may not be available.

Truckside also provides the possibility of a national mass campaign, known as "Over the Road". This flexibility in campaign implementation allows product groups to cater to both large and small businesses.

Many domestic advertisers learned the idea a year ago when they tried to get their brand in front of consumers in a timely and efficient manner. Truckside gets this task easily because of mobility – A commercial shipment can move from New York to Los Angeles in a single media vehicle. In addition, you can send full color palette to zoom for greater impact.

How is it purchased –

* Advertiser can buy General Market GRP which shows points.

* Advertisers can purchase a special way to achieve specific demographic goals or territories. These smaller ways make it an efficient medium for local and regional businesses.

* "Over the Road" ads can be used as a mass media to reach markets across the United States by purchasing a campaign along the interstate routes. It can also be used for regional coverage.

Markets Available –

Market availability is unlimited. About 95% of the US population can be reached by using truck ads .

How it is recommended and new technology –

Tracking (like GPS) has been available for several years. However, new businesses have emerged that measure audiences distribution, impression over a given period, and other types of campaign review. Some fleet companies offer online networks that enable advertisers to determine the location of the mobile fleet in real time. Some services may also provide data that can be linked to other databases to produce demographics by route, fleet or time of day.

SAMI (Satellite Automated Media Information) web-based technology, for example, addresses the needs of organizations and advertisers by providing credibility through tracking and tracking of audiences. It allows advertisers to organize, monitor, sell and review their advertising campaigns. Performance performance announcements are available the next day, including maps and digital photos. One company currently offering SAMI technology is Moving Images Media, with truck ads available throughout the United States

Source by Jeff R. Lamb

AD: วิธีที่สนุกในการผูกด้านโทรศัพท์ของผลิตภัณฑ์โดยไม่ต้องมองข้ามเกินไป …

AD: วิธีที่สนุกในการผูกด้านโทรศัพท์ของผลิตภัณฑ์โดยไม่ต้องมองเห็นมากเกินไป – พูด

Source by ddanhminh

Most Internet agencies know – and you do not.


Most people tend to have a somewhat misinformed look at which agencies do and this is probably because all they know about the profession is the representation of these agencies at various forms of media. What's more, if you think we're looking at traditional advertising agencies is not right, imagine how perfectly & # 39; off & # 39; We are talking about the nature and work of online advertising agencies.

Until this point, we have only discussed public misunderstanding, but for companies that rely on advertising to be in business by knowing what online advertising is doing, especially in this technology -savvy day and age, can mean the difference between the progress of many and reached the upper hand in the race.

The only mistake a company often makes is to be equally qualified to achieve the same business and third-party success, and while it may be a few points of positive results, it's & # 39; s long-lasting effective results that seem just annoying. Here's where the advertising agencies really shine. Their job does not only make you comfortable now; They will make your business rock for a long time.

So what exactly do internet advertising agencies work more than you? Here are some things to consider:

The Internet – For most people, nothing more than just looking at their favorite website, reading online, forums or comments on the pictures of some cute child. As it turns out, there is an enormous amount of data being logged in and moved around each keystroke and mouse restrictions. This is the type of data that web-savvy agencies know as in the back of their hand.

Disadvantages of Productivity and Compatibility – If you do not submit to a social account, start losing followers. If you run your ads through social services and there are gaps, risking more than a loss on followers – you lose customers.

Give New Views about Your Business – Similarly, when we try to kiss, we do not get it, it's hard for companies to take a neutral look at how they trade. Having a third-party agency coming in can give you a new look at where you are and where you need to be.

Access to Technology and Industry Knowledge – Even if you have a cold I device or desktop computer, you just do not have the right software to get the information you need to target groups of customers. You are also not updated with commercials as an industry. Advertising agencies make this a living and all this knowledge can be at work for you.

Internet agencies have become a new standard in business these days because they are the perfect integration of the "old school" approach to draw the attention of prospective customers and can use their knowledge of 21st century technology to meet the company's goals . It may be tempting for you to believe that you can do everything yourself, but choosing to work with one of these agencies can be one of the most important investments in your business that you can do.

Source by Morris Raymond