Why you should not advertise in the yellow pages of a small business.


Many people can not believe I will not accept yellow page ads, but over 27 years of business I've found Yellow Pages Ads to be the most expensive and least effective. Many small businesses that just start out will advertise in yellow pages because they believe that this will help the company and bring new customers.

Sure, it will come in some new customers but generally not what kind of customers you are looking for, and not customers who are in a 10-mile radius of the company. These customers within a 10-mile radius will become your regular client because you are close to their residence.

If you are in the subway area, there will be another competition in the area and chances are your customers who call the Yellow Pages and stop finding them and find them no longer and no longer use your business as it's too far away from them to participate in products or services.

The larger phonebook cost even more than less neighborhood phonebooks, and we have come to the conclusion that most people use no less memory phone books. It would be best to save your money and use other ways to advertise to promote your business and I do not recommend yellow page ads for those who are new to business.

In fact, as a franchisor we place franchisees on 400 plus markets and we have specifically told our franchisees and not to advertise in Yellow Pages in our confidential information. Sounds like a strong statement? Well, that's how serious I have yellow page ads and sad results. Do not trust anyone who recommends yellow page ads.

Source by Lance Winslow

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