ลิปตันชอปปิ้งชอปถูกออกแบบมาเพื่อให้ดูเหมือนกับสิ่งที่คุณเพิ่งหยิบออกมาจากกระเป๋าของคุณ …

กระเป๋าช้อปปิ้งลิปตันถูกออกแบบมาเพื่อให้ดูเหมือนกับสิ่งที่คุณเพิ่งดึงออกมาจากแก้ว พูดคุยเกี่ยวกับการจับตาและเอกลักษณ์! #RetailPackaging #Tea

Source by DimDav

Advertising Photography and the role it plays in our lives


Advertisement, regardless of all the blessings or brickbats it receives, has always defined and directed our lifestyle. It has been inspired by our lives and has also encouraged us to change our own way of life. Both words and pictures in advertisements have played an important role in informing us, teaching us, encouraging us, informing us and also humorous us. Let us see the role of advertising photography in different types of media.

Advertising Photography for the Print Media

Print media are all prominent. It is closely entangled and enmeshed with each of our lifestyles. Advertising photography in print media has a huge power and clever advertiser should know how to use the power in the best possible way.

Advertising Photography for Local Advertising

Static ads would refer to the various advertisements we see while the walk is around the street, driving around, waiting for a bus, etc. They include kiosks and billboards that are installed on different roads and streets. Advertising photography plays an important role than words. Nobody on the road has time to look up and gape in ads. It's there for the pictures that are talking.

Advertising Photography for Online Media

Another scene in which ad photography has graduated and certainly made indelible effects – the online media. We meet on different web pages, online advertising such as banners, popups, etc. What do you think are visitors aware of? Yes! You're quite right – that's the picture used in those ads.

Advertising photography and advertising photographers

Advertising photography is no small job. To be impressive, an image needs to be treated very carefully. Proper use of light and locations, correct weather conditions, the model and how to click on it – all of this can be better determined by a professional person who has the skills and experience to advertise photography.

Source by Jack Whites