Most Effective Advertising Centers – Electronic Message Centers


A decade ago, most feared watching full-motion full-motion full-motion video in the professional sports field or at one of many famous international music groups. This advanced technology is present today at a fraction of the cost of products manufactured for ten years and the visual experience is much better! If your business has an annual advertising plan of $ 50,000 or more, the question is no longer "can we provide electronic messages," it has become "can we afford to invest in EMC?".

Consider the following facts from the small business:

1) According to the small business, sales increase between 15 and 150% when an electronic messaging center is installed.

2) Electronic messaging centers allow unlimited number of changes to messages and variable controllers, all easily completed by computer. The result is lower labor costs and the elimination of physical debt, often associated with changes in copies of traditional readers.

3) Electronic messaging centers share dynamic messages when people take care and allow greater flexibility in communicating with the public.

4) With automatic mute and focus systems, electronic messaging centers can respond to public visibility and enhance security and prominent day and night.

5) The flexibility offered by electronic messaging centers means that your business can advertise bids that also show public services or other issues of public interest.

6) Electronic messaging centers can quickly "brand" your company in the community.

7) Electronic messaging centers are investments in your business and provide the best and most cost-effective form of paid advertising. The only one that may be more powerful is word-of-mouth (although you can buy or manage purchased).

8) Efficiency of electronic messaging is not limited by space or surface constraint as with reading point.

9) Electronic messaging centers act as your "salesman on the street" and attract new customers to the location of your business.

10) Electronic messaging centers allow you to market your products and services to the nearest business area and avoid wasting advertising costs.

11) The company's owner can change the messages as needed to provide information to certain
retail customers and can be used for political, social or social events.

12) Software is available that allows the business owner to publish advanced logo or
images on the EMC exactly as planned.

Answer to the Demographic Change Challenge

The crowd – your current and prospective customers – are on the go, both literally and imaginatively, and sometimes understand their attention is alike to turn on the animation goal. Consider that about 18.6% of Americans move every year. Whether they are moving short or long distances, they usually change their main business area. Additionally, 15-35% of the traffic on a particular street is "just going through" (holiday travelers and so) and you can see great potential for one stop from those who are strangers to the area. An electronic or variable message center offers a unique way to get these road users aware of them. With EMC, you can better communicate with a typical person that occurs at a certain time by changing the message and graphics of the attribute to match the profile on the street. The local airport in Monmouth, NJ offers a clever example of this flexibility. The airport used its announcement to advertise price bids in peak hours to those traveling on the motorway on the way to and from work. During work hours or after school traffic, the airport changed its screen to provide community service messages. Such flexibility increases the readership of the message, as it can answer the traffic format of the day in a week, time of day or period. With the right software you can create almost any message and appear. Demand for companies for these electronic or variable messaging centers is increasing because these signals respond to economic responsibility in difficult business areas with limited space. Municipalities that want to prevent urban or urban damage are exposed to types that require urbanization, and it is more preferable to look at the EMC as a sign of business sense.

Frequently asked questions about EMCs

We have labels; Why does my company need a messaging center?
Consider how fast the traffic depends on the average. The driver only has a few seconds to see and understand any symbol. For example, on a street with traffic running about 45 miles per hour, a car that is 500 feet in front of a particular symbol of only 7.6 seconds to read a sign before it goes under normal driving conditions. Company & # 39; Signs must be prominent if it is getting to the attention of migrant workers within a limited time. Drivers often browse electronic message centers quickly because the copy changes, the letters are informed, and the symptoms have traditionally been used as public service equipment. In addition, electronic message centers can have more visibility than further distances, especially under poor lighting conditions, giving the driver more time to read the message that appears while safely controlling the vehicle. Message centers act as a group of ad types. In other words, they offer companies a way to send multiple information in one place rather than relying on numerous signs and tables shown in Windows, for example. This can be a real advantage for companies located in the province with strict rules for temporary signals. Most importantly, an electronic messaging center only increases business and & # 39; part of income. This is a result of "branding" your website by using special logos, reinforcing other advertising messages, allowing public announcements, creating precise motivation centers, and helping to change customers and # 39; buy habits when they have stopped.

Is an electronic messaging center an affordable advertising tool?
Yes. Businesses often choose their advertising medium and message based on the cost of thousands of impressions on their message to the public. Based on this, there is no other form of advertising close to matching efficiency and cost-effectiveness, dollar-to-dollar, electronic messaging. Compare the figures below:

· Newspaper Sharing – The average cost is about $ 7.39 for 1000 exposures within the 10-mile radius of the company.
· Television Ads – The average cost is about $ 6.26 per 1000 exposures.
· Wireless – The cost is about $ 5.47 per 1000 exposure.
· New LED electronic messaging center display – The cost is lower than $ 0.15 per 1000 exposure. How? For example, suppose you spend $ 30,000.00 on this type of system and its useful life is about ten years. The written daily cost of the message center is equivalent to 2.74 kr. Add to this daily cost of electricity for this new LED unit (approximately $ 0.20), so your business will receive a daily message center totaling $ 8.82. With a daily traffic number of 20,000 cars available for your business, the cost would be less than $ 0.45 per thousand impressions (count only drivers)!
Mostly with an electronic messaging center, companies do not have to worry about losing their target audience, becoming "yesterday's news" or turning to more expensive production costs to change their messages, as often happens with other types of ads mentioned.

With electronic variable message display:
· Company on own form of advertisement
· Advertising function for the company 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
· The mark happens as the "salesman on the street" attracts customers into the business
· The advertisement speaks directly to potential customers as they drive past the business location and EMC makes the company a landmark in the community. Finally, many center defense applications provide lease agreements, including service and maintenance, thus providing other options for cost-benefit.

Please contact the small business for more information.

Before deciding that these amazing devices are beyond the scope of understanding or ability to work, consider the fact that with the encouraging understanding of personal computers, within a few hours of "hands on" wear rough grass of what's needed to run your new e-mail center. If you have the ability to use Microsoft software, e-mail centers will provide little challenge.

A common misconception is that there must be continuous communication between your computer and the electronic messaging center. In fact, this communication is only necessary when the user changes the message and takes about 5 seconds for sending.

Electronic messaging centers range from small simple "time and temperature" full-screen displays with the ability to display movie shows. You can choose between Mono (Color / Text Only), Gray Scale (one color with a different number of tones that allows you to view the basic screen) and Full Color, which offers beautifully realistic transport of almost everything you can see!

One of the exciting things of the owner of electronic messaging is the ability to target your ads specifically to potential customers in front of your location, by time, date, vacation or other parameters you choose … and if you use your imagination and think of very tempting ads, this client will arrive right at your door when your ad is still in mind. Instant Satisfaction!

One of the most annoying advertisements is to coordinate dates for the delivery of a product. As a business owner, how often have you spent thousands of dollars running ads on new and exciting products just to let the supplier "drop the ball" and not deliver the product on time? It has come to us all … With your new e-mail message center, until you press the "send" button, your message will not change.

What about the other side of the coin … The seller calls and has one of your best sales signals at fantastic savings and wants to get them out of their inventory very soon. It's a cash deal, so you want to turn your investment around shortly. Your ability to quickly set up and get ads appearing on the "regular" media is very limited and could add weeks to the time needed to sell the product. With the new electronic messaging center, you can ask tens of thousands of road users a day! This gives you a real advantage when your competitors do not have an electronic messaging center.

The time and temperature and public service messages will draw viewers to your e-mail center. If you add "non-sale" set public message to the plan, it will cause those who use your street as a regular way of being approved to turn to view the message to get the latest updates, which are exactly what you are try to catch.

Bottom line? You can have an electronic messaging center for less than the annual cost of full page Yellow Advertising Pages. The cost of prolonged telecommunications or radio advertising campaigns could reduce investment in the electronic messaging center, which lasts for many years, requires very little maintenance and runs on a standard 110 volt AC stream.

The question is no longer "can we provide electronic messages" … We may contact NOT to invest in EMC! "

Source by Philip Scheen

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