Facebook Advertising on weekends: Is it really more effective?


Businessmen using Facebook for their advertising campaigns are constantly looking for more and more ways to promote their business using this social network. Facebook is home to almost 1 billion subscribers from all parts of the world. Aside from individuals, Facebook also acts as the sharing of information between celebrities and fans, companies and customers, groups and members and much more. Advertising on Facebook Considered Very Successful Those who tried to use it announced a 30% increase in their income.

If you've used Facebook to promote your business, you probably wonder if there are other ways that can help you increase the number of followers of your site. Well, a popular announcement is that ads that run on weekends are more effective than those that are flashing on weekdays. Interesting is not it? If you want to determine if this requirement is true, please read.

The Myth: Weekend Advertising

As more and more people discover the benefits of using Facebook ads, more and more research and research are being conducted to improve the performance of these ads. One of these new ways is a holy message. Weekend ads work with a very simple announcement: The number of Facebook users is much higher on weekends, enabling businessmen to target a larger number of people and entice them to buy on their website.

The Code of Conduct also applies to other social networking sites like Twitter, Multiply and Tumblr. In fact, a site called tweetclock.net, reported that the number of people signing in to their Twitter accounts is 40% higher on weekends than on weekdays. Scientists reflect the same on Facebook.

Given the fact that holy ads are a simple concept that small businesses can use to add the following to Facebook. But one question is still, is it really effective?

The Proof

A study by TBG Digital, a sociologist, concluded that ads on Facebook on weekends are safer than ads on weekdays. The Investigation Commission investigated 66 billion impressions, registered for three months. Their research found that ads were doing their best on Saturdays and they are at worst on Monday. The average for Saturday is 12% higher than on Wednesday.

TBG Digital investigated the clickthrough rate, which is commensurate with the cost-per-click (CPC) of the ad and cost of impression. Ads that have a higher CTR appear most often, but those with a lower clickthrough rate must have higher bids to blink as often as others. However, another way to drive a higher clickthrough rate is to estimate your ads appear in a few weeks when the number of potential customers is higher.

Simon Mansell, Digital CEO of TBG, said the reason for this conclusion is that weekends are generally allocated for relaxation and free time. People who are not in schools and offices find time to get social media, so it's likely that there's an ad or two. Another reason is that people who use Facebook on weekends tend to focus on their news as they access Facebook during a break. On weekends, they have more time to roam through the site and they tend to see ads and click through them.

As an author of this article, I personally looked at 100 Facebook friends and asked the same question. These 100 people hail from at least five countries and whose lifestyle is quite different from others. Surprisingly, only 26 said the ads on weekdays work better for them. Some of the reasons they were cave were:

· Access via Facebook is through offices and schools on weekdays

· Weekend is to meet and spend time for the family

Computer maintenance and repairs are generally performed on weekdays.

The following correspondent said this weekend that ads work better for those since they have more idle time on the page that attracts them to click on an ad. Also, the greater majority said they have more time for Facebook in weeks than on weekdays.

Advertising Work

Of course, these studies do not guarantee that you can safely boost your earnings when you spend this weekend. To take advantage of this rule, make sure your ads are striking enough to attract your audience's attention. Also create ads that are far from normal and deliver messages in a simple yet effective manner.

If you manage your site's fanpage, location updates, photos, and others appear on your site on weekends, it's likely to draw people to your business page and get more information about your product. Participating in your fans in simple questions can also help to pull them on your site.

The main ad author is more effective for companies targeting children and adolescents. However, using your own unique type of creativity and of course certain decisions, you can use this principle to turn your business into companies that everyone knows.

Source by Mark M Dale

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