Mobile Billboard Trucks – A Primer on Mobile Outdoor Advertising


Mobile Billboard Trucks, commonly referred to as mobile billboards, mobile commercial trucks, billboards, commercial trucks or mobile mobile vehicles are usually self-propelled vehicles based on lightweight chassis trucks, which has been customized, two or three sided signatures. There are a variety of logo design labels, including Tri-Face and Scroll models that look like modified truck boxes, and that can support multiple advertisers. However, the most common style is known as static, usually with two panels, which measure approximately. 22 wide with 9 & # 39; – 10 & # 39; high. In recent years, with the advent of digital printing in a large format, the signboards have evolved from paper bags to scrim reinforced heavy vinyl content, and recently to polyethylene that is said to be easily recycled.

The Outdoor Advertising Association of America classifies mobile billboards under the Transit category, which includes a variety of non-traditional external media. Billboard trucks have a reliable recent history, as some of the first mobile billboards appear in New York City in 1980. Others have traced their origins to Texas and Southern California. On a recent conference call, including managers at the corporate boarding board, hosted and managed by OAAA, this author participated, a number of participants estimated that there are 500 or fewer mobile phone operators in the United States.

Mobile billboards are used for a wide range of ads. With their ability to run almost anywhere, they can certainly target a particular place to promote Grand Opening Retail or Restaurant. Unfortunately, according to the current economic situation, it appears that bankruptcy is revealing and closing sales unexpectedly seems to be a regular task for trucks.

To a greater extent, many advertising conditions have been used simultaneously on the market or in many markets, to promote the release of new consumer goods or, as in October 2008, to introduce the presidential election in Obama-Biden In competent states, polls indicated that it was a final factor. There have even been a few examples, both on B to B and B to C advertising campaigns, where two trucks have driven in tandem, with two-part messages.

Like any good advertisement, creative part is important to attract public attention and make it active on the message. With outline ads, advertisers are generally encouraged to adhere to the word "the image has become a thousand words", with a prominent logo and image that represents the message, followed by clear actions and means to contact the advertiser. Indeed, this is the last factor that has constantly evolved. A few years ago, advertisers were basically limited to & # 39; 800 & # 39; number, but in recent years, creativity was also a URL that could be visited to help you learn more about the company and its products before making a purchase decision. Recently, with the strong growth of social media, we have begun to notice advertisers who emphasize their presence on Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and other venues.

On Guerrilla billboards, we have conducted advertising campaigns for our customers since 1999. From the streets of New York City to sunny southern California, our mobile cars have served a large number of organizations – from large Fortune 500 companies to trusted small-scale grassroots organizations such as fan club shows the decision of a major television network to cancel their members & # 39; Favorite show of vampire.

Over the last ten years, we've found that successful ad serving for mobile ads has responded to the following key issues:

  1. First and foremost, know who and where the target audience is. Is it a general branding campaign or a focused presentation like the Grand Opening? Typically, the customer will have demographic information about the so-called life stick characteristics of their customers. For example, a few years ago, we ran an employee committee for a major biotech company in Boston. Given the suburbs of the company, they managed to work for hours and hours in hours along one of heavily transported ships from Southern New Hampshire to Kendall Square in Cambridge, where many of their competitors have offices. In this case, the main theme of our commercial client was to introduce a comfortable suburb.
  2. Secondly, creative can not be overcome. The target audience usually has a very short time to work with the message. As previously mentioned, leave a common logo and / or photos make the most of a heavy lift. A great example of this policy is shown by numerous outdoor ads operated by McDonald's Corp., which are catastrophic photographs of various brand chains and very limited text.
  3. Mobile billboards are about flexibility. If a retail project is needed in one place to increase its sales, it's easy to drive the truck again to spend more time in a particular business area.
  4. Your proper vet veterinarian. Lowest price is not always the best. Unfortunately, there are a number of mobile operators that pay their drivers "under the table" to save money on payroll and employee income. Make sure your sellers are fully insured. As an agency or brand, you do not want to receive a call from IRS demanding payment of tax refund.
  5. Continue with this theme, take a look at the seller's trucks. Do they look upside down or are they clean and well maintained? Security is very important, and it's your brand and reputation at stake.
  6. Performance Evidence is given. In these days of profitability, the customer wants to know that the truck is running whenever and wherever it is supposed to be. While customers often receive feedback from customers and employees about when and wherever they may have seen the truck, we offer a range of so-called proof of performance images, taken daily at the campaign in various locations along the way – and often in front of competitors & # 39 ; locations. Depending on the length of the campaign, these may be delivered in bulk during a long campaign. We also offer our customers production of GPS tracking systems online in our trucks, further supported by driver's brochure brochures.

The conclusion is that the key value of mobile phone carrier companies is incredible flexibility from both the day and the geographical perspective to target the characteristics of the LIFE of the respective demographic customers. Mobile billboards create and reinvest awareness and operating prospects for media from the media – whether they are printed, Web 1.0 or increasingly in Web 2.0 Social Media. With the continued separation of other media, especially the traditional ad terrestrial radio, with consumers & # 39; Increased length of time at home every day, mobile billboards, if posted with appropriate creative, as well as properly planned and applied, gives advertisers a very effective medium that can be reformatted from other media.

Source by Andrew P Erickson

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