วิธีการใช้ Facebook Groups เพื่อขยายธุรกิจของคุณและรับลูกค้าเพิ่มขึ้น – The …

การใช้ Facebook Groups เพื่อขยายธุรกิจของคุณและรับลูกค้าเพิ่มมากขึ้น – The Coffee Date

Source by thecoffeedate

สามีของฉันหลงใหล . . โฆษณา Vintage Oreo เปิดตัว 1912 ยังคงเสพติด …

ความหลงใหลในสามีของฉัน . . โฆษณา Oreo วินเทจเปิดตัวในปีพ. ศ. 2455 ยังคงเสพติดคนในศตวรรษต่อมา . .

Source by fibberschicky

Advertising and Marketing Psychology


When we talk about Advertising Psychology, perception is important. Your ads touch all perception so you must make the most of each ad. You need to know what works and what does not matter, so you do not waste time and money on the website. A series of attempts were made to determine whether the white or black type made more attractive display ads. Over 500 people were used in the experiment. The background for the white type was gray in some cases, but in most cases it was black. The results show that a regular reader is more likely to notice a black screen type than show a similar type of white.

Another series of laboratory experiments was made on the same subject. Particularly ready pages were shown in the seventh second. On the part of the pages were black characters on a white background and white books on the black background were shown. In other cases, one half of the paper had a black background, with white-letter words and the other half of the paper had a white background with black-and-white words. Points of cards were constructed as all possible combinations of white and black were made and displayed in a number of subjects for so short a time that no one could sense everything on any sheet. Under these circumstances, the subjects first saw their attention and what was easier to perceive. The final finding showed that the black letters on the white background were seen more frequently than white on a black background. This turns out true with other colors too. Dark light color on a light background is taken more often than light faded on a dark background. Use the correct combination unless you search for a certain "feel" for your ad.

It seems quite certain that gender equality information is usually read, which are printed in the easiest way to read. The difference between the appearance of the model can in many cases be so small that even individuals who are experienced in typing technology may not be able to say which is more fair, but the difference between their value may be large enough to make it important for the advertiser what type of should be used.

If the question of proper use of a type is important to the advertiser, it is even more important that he should make wise use of graphics.

The graphics are often used solely as a way to draw attention, and does not work like her icon. In some cases, this may be wise and even necessary, but when we consider the value of graphics as symbols we are surprised that graphics are not used more intently but also more typical. The first form was a graph, and the simplest and straightest image is found in the picture and not through printed words. In one view, we can usually read about four words; that is, the width of perception for printed words is about four. With one view of the picture, we can see as much as possible in the overall print page. The width of perception for imagery is much wider than it is for printed expressions.

The image may perform either one or both of the two actions. There may be a picture used to draw attention or it could be a "picture" and actual help with perception by assisting the text to tell what it's about. In the former case it would have been called irrelevant painting; Secondly, it is appropriate. There have been several studies to determine the relative attention value of relevant and illegal images. Although the above results are not as decisive as it is desirable, it is surprising that the worth of relevant images is greater than would have been and that the irrelevant "image" is often not so powerful in attracting attention as a suitable image would be. Under these circumstances, it seems generally that the image in an advertisement should have dual functionality to attract attention and assist perception. Which one of these actions is more important could be a profitable question for discussion, but when these two actions can merge into the same image, its value is increased twice. Irrelevant illustrations are produced solely because they have attracted attention when they are actually attracting attention to anyone but the one who designed them and an unfortunate person who has to pay for them. There are many images that are produced and advertised because they help the perception. They should tell the story of the products advertised and to be logical. The designer of the image and one who knows the products knows what the image stands for, and for him it is the symbol of the product and tells the story of the special advantages of the product. To one who is unfamiliar with the movie and with the ads being published, the image is no image at all. Not only that, but the image can distract the viewer from actual messages. Things animated graphics can really pull your eyes away and the viewer will never get back to the actual message.

The advertiser is so familiar with what he has to offer that he can not appreciate the difficulties the public has in getting a clear and perfect perception of their advertising about the promotional products. It is almost impossible to land on the side of purity. The diagram may appear to be artistic to the designer, but there is a risk that it will be taken as meaningless scrawls by the viewer and it will not get another thought from them. The text and the image should first and foremost be clear and should meet potential customers with the right idea that the product is being used. This is what the psychology of the ads is about; get the viewer to remember your product and buy it.

Source by Donald Hammond