3 Key Marketing Adventures, Claude Hopkins

Claude Hopkins is known as a father of advertisements. His insights are so simple, but such profits are as good today as they did decades ago when they were first used.

Here are three lessons, Claude's own words. Please note that because of the time it was written, the language may be a little dated and that it uses the word "man" instead of "people."

1. Advertiser suffered a lot of exchange. He said, "Look at the deputies," "Be sure you get this kind," etc. Unsuccessful. They were selfish appearance.

Then he said: "Try our competitors too" – said it in his headlines. He offered comparisons and showed that he did not fear them. It corrected the situation. Buyers were careful to get the brand so prominent advantage that his manufacturer might be entitled to trial on the other.

2. Two advertisers offered food products almost identical. Both asked full-size packages as a presentation. But one caves his package free. The other bought the package. A coupon was good at any store for a package that the manufacturer paid retail price.

The first advertiser failed and the second failed. The first even missed a big deal of business that he had. He costed his product by giving 15 sent packages away. It's hard to pay for an article that has once been free. It's like paying a rail fee after traveling on the road.

The others received a respect for their article by paying retail prices to let the user try it. An article that's good enough for the manufacturer to buy is sufficient enough for the user to buy. It's very unlikely to pay 15 cents to let you test an article but simply say "It's free."

So with sampling. Give your housewife an unwanted product and she pays it a little respect. She is in no hurry to see her virtues. But get her to ask for a sample after you read your story and it is in a very different position. She knows your requirements. She is interested in them, otherwise she would not respond. And she expects to find the features you said.

There is a lot of spiritual manifestation. Submit five articles exactly as five people may choose one of them. But point out in one of the features to notice and everyone will find them. Five men will all choose the same article.

3. If people can get sick or good with spiritual impressions, you can do it to pay a particular kind in such a way. And that, the same way, is the only way to work them.

Two concerns, side by side, sold women's clothing on structures. The appeal was of course to poor girls who wanted to dress better. One treated them like poor girls and made the company a bare company.

The other woman in charge – mother, dignified, capable woman. They did business in their name. They used their picture. She signed all the advertisements and letters. She wrote to these girls like a friend. She knew what it meant that a girl could not dress her best. She had long thought of the opportunity to provide good women's clothes and give them the whole season to pay. Now she was able to do it, with the help of men behind her.

There were no comparisons in these two games. It was not long before this woman, who had been in recent days, had to quit.

Supporters of this company sold furnishings on installments. Sending a catalog promiscuously not paid. Offer long-term loans often seems to be a consideration.

But when a married woman bought clothes from Mrs. — and paid as approved she wrote her something like this: "Madam — As we know, tell us that you are one of our good customers, as you agree. So we have opened a credit card in our books anytime you want. Research to an individual recommended as you are. "

It was flattering. Of course, when they wanted furniture, they would order from that house.

There are endless levels in psychology. Some people know them with instincts. Many of them are taught by experience. But we learn most of them from others. When we see an attractive method, we can list it down for use when it is available.

These things are very important. Similar offers made differently can lead to a multiplicity of fruit. Somewhere in the quarry of business, we must find the best method somehow.

This is an excerpt from scientific ads that are free when you subscribe to words that sell ELetter. Just go to http://www.wordsthatsell.com.au and fill out the details.

Source by Kristina Mills

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เราต้องระลึกไว้เสมอว่าเรามีโอกาสที่จะสร้างความประทับใจครั้งแรกและนักออกแบบหรือนักออกแบบทุกคนควรรู้ ว่าไม่ใช่แค่งานของคุณที่ควรให้แน่ใจว่าธุรกิจที่ดี m …

Source by v85540037

Popular Advertising Slogans – 3 Steps To Create Awesome Advertising Slogans

What are the most popular ad slots?

Let us study a little bit closer to this question like above before we dive into detail. The answer to the above is simply that you can grab readers or prospects of 3 seconds to read.

Notice that the whole goal is to assist the attitude to be enough to read about the remainder of the sales letter. If you can get this then we already have 50% there.

Step 1: Appeal to Only One

The most common mistake for most businesses in their attempt to write adverts is to write about themselves or many. You must remember that each option read the phrase individually.

Thus, you might think about that you see only one person in your mind . Keep this on your mind when you start designing your headline. It will give you a more appealing sense of personal touch.

Step 2: Increasing Pain or Pleasure

There are two unusual ways to draw attention to your headline, and it is either to emphasize your chances of pain or satisfaction. Simple copy writing will make you a lot of good so remember this is a powerful tool.

You will not treat them psychologically enough to stop the death of the law. Beat in your heart or feeling much more than conquer your mind in the next choice they do.

Step 3: Copy Masters

Not literally, but what I mean is that you can track other popular ad slots that have been used over and over again. You can learn this all without charge.

Look at the headlines in your local ads in your journal at the magazine center. You'll be sure to find some common patterns in the words for ads.

Download Now

Once you've decided more than a few popular ad selection options, it's time to test them. Now, do not get me wrong, though you can certainly depend on some headlines, sometimes it's best to hold tests until you reach your sales goal by just promoting slogans.

Source by Vern How Chan