รับบัญชีฟรี {FREE!} สมุดงาน Business Plan ของเลดี้บอสเพื่อช่วยให้คุณมีความสมดุลกับแบรนด์ของคุณ …

รับ {FREE!} สมุดงาน Business Plan ของเลดี้บอสเพื่อช่วยให้คุณสมดุลแบรนด์การตลาดเป้าหมายและอื่น ๆ !

Source by booboomb

What a newspaper will not tell you

Newspapers are considered PRIMARY ads
moderately about 99.4% of all retailers. Newspapers have been
in each step of the owner's life
from the beginning. Newspapers
discussed his birth, his university graduation,
his participation, his marriage, the death of his parents
and everything else.

Permanent declination circulation figures and
increase advertising rates, newspapers still reach large
viewers daily.

Many, if not most, retailers, submit their own
ads. It is said that over the years, traders
have come to believe the only way to get that right
is to do it yourself. This thought gave
rise to the new breed of the newspaper. No
training, just a list of customers and daily
the question "Gotchyur ready yet?"

You should understand the weakness of the paper
and learn to avoid them as far as possible.
The skinny for and against newspapers.

There is no proof of full page or double truck ads
are more effective than half-page ads. Savings
can be spent on a parallel broadcast campaign or

Same with color. It looks good, but
increased costs many times does not justify
a small increase in readership. Forget the color and
carry more frequencies.

The magazine is delivered daily, but there is no need for
for an advertisement every day as the magazine reaches the same
readers. 3 times a week just works fine. Destroy
the difference between the buyer or the support radio

Newspaper coupons will get a better rate of
redemption with wireless. Especially if
coupons are NOT on a Sunday survey competing with
85% of all coupons per week. Think about a coupon
on Tuesday with a radio broadcast to drive them
for that.

What journalist does not advertise to tell you:
Less than half of the newspaper readers read
the entire magazine. Most are skimmers. How often
through the magazine does it take you to find
your own ad?

More than half of all papers are ads. Almost as bad as
television. More than two thirds of Sunday are

Newspapers are climbing faster than space
shuttle. Minor ads in the smallest
papers can cost over $ 100. Once, one shot and
POW !, It's at the bottom of a bird's eye.

Newsletter and subscription price increases,
too. 75 cents matter is fast losing 4

Most articles do not offer competitive protection. Your
ad can be placed next to the
race. Get a sales representative to ensure you

Newspaper numbers are decreasing. There are
only a few more than 1000 daily articles. Smaller
communities must rely on weeklylies or pages from
another area with the "local" section.

Newspapers are still a magnificent commercial
value. Find ways to continue using paper for
expanding brokerage, but do it with other
ads so that the media mix is ​​effective. Do not
let someone tell you NOT to advertise in the magazine.

Source by Mike McDaniel

PSA บริจาคโลหิต ฉลาดใช้พลิกคนอื่นคว่ำและ maki …

PSA สำหรับการบริจาคโลหิต การใช้พลิกคว่ำคนอื่นคว่ำและทำให้หัวใจดูคล้ายนาฬิกาทราย

Source by threesevenfive