โฆษณาสิ่งพิมพ์โฆษณาความท้าทายในการเขียนคำโฆษณา 365 วัน – IKEA …

โฆษณาสิ่งพิมพ์สำหรับพิมพ์เขียว, การเขียนคำโฆษณา 365 วัน – IKEA

Source by pingsuvipa

โลกแห่งการประกวด | ทุกสิ่งสนุกจากแม่ขิง ….. คุณเคย wonde …

World of ContestPatti | ทุกสิ่งสนุกจากแม่ขิง ….. คุณเคยสงสัยว่าพวกเขากำลังคิดอย่างไร? แม้ว่า cigs ไม่ดีเท่าที่พวกเขาเป็นจริงการใช้ลูกน้อยในการโฆษณาเป็นเรื่องธรรมดาธรรมดา!

Source by thydungeonman25

7 biggest mistakes made by most new taxpayers – and how to avoid them!


What does it take to be successful in childbirth?

Obviously, you should have a deep and passionate desire to care for children, great patience and ability to do some tasks at once (like heat a bottle and help children with artistic projects).

It also helps if you have special space in your home, such as a fully equipped basement, where you can run childcare care.

But, as it's not enough, there are many things that success at home caregivers needs to be good at treating children. Honestly, it can be very difficult.

Things like getting paid on time from parents, writing solid policies and contracts, marketing your business to new potential customers, getting the right insurance policy, understanding your listing and how it affects your taxes and generally just start in a way that will optimize your success.

To help you get started with the most successful results, here are seven of the biggest and most serious mistakes women make when they begin their child protection work and how to avoid them.

BIG MISTAKE # 1: Does not make a proper investigation of the care market in your town or city.

This is a serious step that many new care owners of childcare care miss, usually because they are not sure how to go about it. Or, they may think that it's not really necessary to do the investigation, because they do not understand how it could affect them.

After all, it's just a small home-based, right? Why do you need to do all that increases your work?

The goal is to spend a few weeks or months to complete any big market research you will never use.

I talk about spending a few hours in the next few days, calling around (or maybe visiting some other childcare) and asking the main questions.

Let me give you an example of what I am talking about. My neighbor, who runs the care of children in her homes, discovered a few things about our local market that helped her create a more profitable company. The first thing was, our town has day kindergarten, not a full day. By talking to another mom in our town, Mary found that there was a need for "before and after care" in our town, someone who could look at preschool and older children before and after school. She organized her day care to fill this need. All she had to do was make sure that the buses could pick up and drop these children at her home and she could start taking the kids.

So, what you want is unforgettable when you have your performance, which is a "pocket inadequate need" for child care. You do not have to be a huge pocket, but something unique about your business that will lead you to customers who need it.

Another example of this is:
– Offer a second or third replacement care if you have large companies in your town that hire people in the evenings or at night shift
– offer bilingual care or Special Languages, such as Sign Language for Children
– Provide special meals (such as organic or vegetarian) if you live in the town where it was considered desirable (like Boulder, Colorado or a similar college)

you are asking the main questions and trying to make an unforgettable inadequate need for your town or city. You can start by calling your local child protection center (CCR & R), your primary schools, talking to neighbors and friends, and visit other childcare services in your town. You can even call other home care for children and talk to these women about what they see in the market. Usually, women in childbirth help each other by forming friendships and partners, so do not be afraid.

By taking the time to do the research, you will have great advantages by understanding your market and how you can succeed in this market.

BIG MISTAKE # 2: Do not get legal protection for you and your business.

If you want to sleep easily in the evening and do not worry about being sued you need to be properly covered. You need a real kick on what type of insurance you buy, and how much it should cost, so you do not pay too much.

Many new caring company owners make a mistake of thinking that their owner is enough to reach them if there is a problem. But the truth is that this policy generally does not provide enough protection, nor the correct types of protection that you need for particular circumstances that a day-to-day owner can face.
An example of this situation would be if your house had a power failure and had to close temporarily due to power failure. If you have a business mandatory policy with a review of "business disability", you would be under your policy and you will still receive that revenue.

Similarly, if you were sued by a parent in some circumstances your policy would cover you in most cases.
Surprisingly, the policy of corporate responsibility for day care is not expensive, and is worth the investment (in my opinion). This type of policy usually costs $ 30 to $ 40 a month. Is this good for sleep?

BIG MISTAKE # 3: Do not charge the correct fees.

Do you know how to find out what other child protection centers and centers are charging? Most new day careers usually leave money on the table by not setting their prices correctly. You get a quick change by charging too little, and if you charge too much, you will not get customers!

So how do you figure out what to charge? This is a similar process and doing performance in your town … it's simply a matter of calling or calling another childcare and setting the price appropriately.

Many new family members take care of the same weekly for each child, regardless of the child's age. However, if you speak to centers in your town, most people charge the highest rate for infants and the lowest rate for older children (for K and above). Many parents are used for this type of price.
So you may find that your earnings will be a little higher than the flat rate for all age groups depending on the age of kids you can accept if you load more for children and infants. You must review your unique scenario and choose what is best for you.

For example, say that according to the state and age of your own children you can accept 1 infant, 3 infants (15-24 months) and 2 older children (2) 3-4 years). If you pay 120 krónur per week as a class fee, you have a weekly income of 720 $.

If you pay a little more for children ($ 135 / week) and young toddlers ($ 125 / week) and less for older children ($ 115 / week), your weekly income for this scenario would amount to $ 740 . It costs an additional $ 80 per month, or an extra $ 1,040 per year.

Small adjustments like this on your price, if it makes sense based on your area, may be relevant to your earnings at the end of the day.

BIG MISTAKE # 4: Does not cover you with the proper daily travel guide and contract.
Okay, this is very big. You need a well-written contract for your parents and you need a comprehensive policy guide. If you use your contract and policy guide correctly, you can literally save you thousands of lost revenue (and countless hours on your head!).

So what's the difference between the contract and the policy?

A contract is a binding legal agreement between two persons. If you agree to take care of your child and parents with parents to pay for your care, you have made a verbal agreement. If you put the contract in writing, it will be a written agreement.

There are five key issues in cooperation on child welfare cooperation: names of parties, working hours, termination process (that is how each other can terminate the contract), terms, maturity and additional costs) and signatures of parties. Be clear and clear with your wording.

The strategy manual is longer and more accurate than the deal. It should contain all the rules that describe how you will take care of your children, how you see certain circumstances and how you run your business. For example, you should include holiday and sickness, how you handle behavioral problems and how children are fed.

It's a good idea to require a signature page at the end of the Policy Guide, as the parent agreements he or she have read the entire guide and agreements to follow the rules you & # 39; ve laid out.
You must have both documents in writing. (If you need real-life examples that you can copy and edit to fit your business, they are provided in my daycare system … more later).

BIG MISTAKE # 5: Do not use the best ways to market your business to future customers.

Let's face it, you could not be a marketplace and advertiser whiz, but you need simple and cheaper ways to get the word out and bring new customers.

We have all heard that the best ad is word-of-mouth. It's after you've started and your customers recommend your friends and neighbors.

But what about when you first open your door and you have not proven a track record?

Luckily there are many ways to get out the word about new childcare and most people will not cost a lot of money. Here are 4 marketing ideas to get started.

Market Tip # 1: Sign up for child protection and referral (CCR & R) office in your area.
This is the first thing you should do to get your name out there, and it should be done before opening your doors. The URL is located at: www.childcareaware.org

Then enter your zip code in the search box and you will receive contact information for the nearest CCR and R office. You can also call them free of charge at (800) 424-2246.

As of December 2007, to register with most CCR & R, you do not need to be a national or certified. However, they may have specific requirements to be registered based on your condition.
For example, in Ohio, they request that a private day care family have a maximum of 6 children at any time and no more than 3 children under 2 years of age. If more than one caregiver is in the home / facilities, the numbers can be higher. These rules differ as appropriate, so be sure to call your CCR & R branch to confirm your rules.

When you register with CCR and R, they will provide information about you, along with special information about your day care, to parents looking for childcare …. for free!

Market Tip # 2: Contact all primary schools on your bus route and / or in your community.
Most schools keep a list of child wards, which they provide parents on request. Request to add your name and phone number to their service provider.

Market Tip # 3: Communicate with everyone you know.
Tell everyone you know you have childcare and ask them if they know someone looking for childcare in your area. Make a notice in your church and all other groups you belong to. If you do not belong to community groups, join someone! You are an entrepreneur now, it's time to start a network!
This might be your strongest source because you register children in day care. Most parents choose to leave their children by hand recommended by friends, neighbors, colleagues or family members.

Market Tip # 4: Place Notifications or Classifieds in Community Bulletin.
Ask any organization that you know and / or belong to, such as a church, a playgroup or a community group, if you can post a notice in the newsletter.
If you know a community group, church and / or employer who sends out a newsletter, ask them to advertise your business for the residents in their database. In your announcement, focus on the unique features of your business and the benefits that children and parents get from managing you.

Remember, this is just the tip of the iceberg. When you learn this easy and inexpensive (or free) approach to preventing new ways, you have a full and profitable day care and you must establish a relationship with your parents who want to get them to your friends and family!

Now let's get back to the 7 biggest mistakes and how to avoid them.

BIG MISTAKE # 6: Do not use tons of free resources in your area, including capital income.

Many new daycare or preschool owners do not know about local resources available to them, and how to navigate domains, regional and local communities.

With so many agencies and websites out there it can be very difficult to figure out where to go and who to ask if you do not know where to start.

The best place to start is with your condition. Every state in the United States has an agency within the government of the government that sets rules for family care for children. This organization is usually called the Department of Child & Family Services (DCFS), or the Department of Corporate and Family Services (DJFS) and they all have websites.

(If you are in Canada or another country, you probably have similar offices in your government).
Simply visit your webpage (like http://www.Illinois.gov ) and look for the appropriate department or type "care" in the search box.

The website should contain a phone number for child care contact in your state. Call the phone and inquire about government rules and what they recommend for people who are just getting started in family care for children.

Most counties also have a care center that helps people in the county level. Ask your partner how to find help for the particular province. Then contact your district administrator and ask the following questions (these are also good questions to ask your government):

– What do you need to know about specific rules or regulations for your county?
– What training is necessary to take before opening your door?
– What kind of training / training is required?
– Do you have any suggestions for insurance companies for the care of owners in your county?
– What resources do they need to help you get started?
– Do you know sources of funding or low interest rates?
– Are there any local or county groups meeting to discuss childcare?

There may be other questions you also think. Do not be afraid. You have the right to get the best information to get started, and you owe it yourself to start as well as knowingly as possible.

BIG MISTAKE # 7: Do not get a license or certified by your state.

Receiving a license or confirming your situation may be part of a job, but it is probably easier than you think. Usually, to get a license is required to take some training (often very cheap or even free) and the home service will be checked once or twice a year by the state inspector to ensure that guidelines are met.

There are many reasons why you should consider it … the main reason is that you can charge higher prices!

Here are some of the other benefits you receive by being licensed or verified with your state:
– You will be proud to know that you are of the highest quality (and you can communicate with these others).
– Possible parents are more likely to choose you, so you do not have to spend as much on marketing and advertising
– Schools and other businesses are likely to recommend you.
– You can get a grant or lender loan to increase your day care or add it to a new outdoor area, etc.
– You will stand out of the crowd as a great company.

You'll have the best chance to succeed if you try to be the best of what you do.

Good luck!

Source by Kris Murray