Overcoming Consciousness in Political Advertising


In the typical political gender, radio ads are designed and executed by individuals who have spent so little time understanding the proper use of the radio, making mistakes and making money often. Candidates do not understand how to use the radio effectively, because as most people do not understand the underlying concept behind the radio, definitely all ads. "Top of mind awareness" is the goal of all advertisers, the same budget. Here is a good example that best describes the term "Top of Mind Consciousness."

If I'm a hammers store, it's my goal to sell fifty percent of my restrictions on list or retail price. Remaining hammers at discounted price or selling price. How do I get this? "Top of the mind awareness" is the goal. It is proven that one mentions mostly three stores when things are needed. Try it yourself. If you need oatmeal, where do you have to shop? Name more than three stores immediately? Proper use of radio has put the store in your mind. The hardware store offers daily advertising about hammer, quality, salesmen, etc. The most important thing is to keep the name at the top of the consumer's mind. On the day Mr. Jones needs the hammer, he will visit the hardware store at the top of his mind and pay full price. The hardware store has an impact on the listener, the best market price with sales.

One week the store will advertise the hammer for sale. Those consumers looking for hammer this week will buy, others want to know that hammer is available in this store. Your favorite mind is maintained. An example is perfect for political candidates, because voters do not have to vote unless they are encouraged. When you need a hammer, nothing else will work. If you do not need a hammer, it never goes into your mind. Make your candidate "Top of Mind" of voters and give them reason to reach the hammer, or in this case reason to vote.

Source by Scott Perreault