What is contextual ad?

The term contextual ads means the ads you see on webpages or other media, such as on mobile phone displays, where the ads are selected and served by automated systems based on content displayed by the user. For example, if you want to put a contextual ad on your website and your site is about books, advertisers advertise ads on bookshops and books, and any book or magazine related. The ads will reflect the content of your site.

Google AdSense was the first largest contextual advertising program that became accessible to users. These ads are working by giving webmaster JavaScript code as when you insert the code into a website you want to advertise on it will draw similar ads from the Google advertisement of advertisers. The way the relevance of the ads related to content is calculated by what Google Bot has indexed.

Since the term Adsense, others started long ago, starting their own AdSense like Yahoo! Publisher networks, Microsoft Advertising Center and others have thrown their hat in the ring. The concept of contextual advertising has been very important in how webmasters make money online. The better the ads relate to content, the more likely it is that visitors to the site most likely click on these ads, which then generate money for webmasters and advertiser server.

A large part of Google's revenue is from their dear contextual ads currently used on millions and millions of websites in the AdSense program. Some of the contextual ads are AdBrite, BidClix, Q-Ads, Kanoodle Bright Ads, Goals, Searchfeed.com and more. Just sign up for this AdSense company and sign up and start. Once you apply, it is not guaranteed which ads you are going to get; you really do not get to choose and choose the ads that are relevant to your site you will receive. There are not any AdSense companies that want to put an ad that is not affiliated with your content.

The goal they understand is that you should make money because the more money you make them the more money they make. They are interested in your heart because when you buy money, they are money.

Source by Jonathon White

Small Business Video – Tips and Instructions

This is the first article in a row for business operators who really want real real daily answers about video and online advertising – what's the best way to do that, and how does it work in the real world?

First of all, let me tell you that I'm a video and online maker. I've been doing advertisement and online tours using local business in Perth, Western Australia for the last three years after getting back in movies and television. From what I have experienced, steep learning lines and methodologies are especially important for streaming, not only in technical or manufacturing conditions, but also in terms of use and marketing of companies.

If you like me, you've probably made a fair share in googling to get information about streaming video and how it works. And there are some really good articles out there.
However, many emphasis is placed on aspects that, though, in part, do not concern the concern of operators who just want to know the best way to add video to their website. A typical range of disciplines will focus on a greater video policy in terms of a global or national user database. You know what I am talking about – "40% of such and so …" and "3 billion users after …." etc. Others will talk about technical issues: servers, profiles, models, etc.

This is all good and good, and estimated information. But if you own a small and medium business, you'll probably be interested in knowing how it works at a very local level. That's how you get it, what's the best way to do it and what's the best way to maximize your video when it's been produced? Hopefully I can give you some tips that keep you in mind if you want to go down this interesting song. I will break it down to a few areas, starting with the first decision on how to go down the stream.

I will gather that you have already been aware of why you want to use streaming (or sound) on the internet. So we'll release "Why video?" question the moment and go to "how and who?". I will then look at tips that give you ideas on how to get the most out of production and deliver great videos and how you can get more people to watch it and feed to your website.

Who should I get to produce my video?

This may depend on which promotion you want for your video. In general, I have never recommended that the operators go on the DIY route. I know you expect a video maker to say this, but wherever you go. Why? Because most often than not, the final product is a strange shit, whose total value is the greatest slice of innovation. There I said. Sorry if this causes a violation. It's not just a technical issue. To a certain extent, a typical viewer will finish less than a professional picture or sound quality if your final video is incredibly fun and exciting. But it's incredibly rare, and also the reason why many of these guys selling these DIY video cards are kidding and trying to introduce you. It's great for the basics of blogging, but do not cut your mind when it comes to online advertising.

The production conditions are also a minor concern in a personal video polls, but generally, production standards generally do not return to the company's website, no matter what the content is. If you are in business and you value your business idea, you need to be a very high quality promotional material. You would not, instead of using a professional printed business card, instead of screwing your name behind a piece of convex cardboard that is taken on the back of your breakfast mug. But that does not mean you have to spend megadollars in a large amount of time from the media. If you decide to go down the DIY route, you need to accept that you need basic and physical education. If you plan to have a video that you will need to update monthly or even weekly, this may have some merit and repeat visitors to your site can come to less than perfect standards in exchange for positive regularly updated content. Be warned though, for the first time, visitors will not be impressed with any less than high professional standards.

At the far end of the spectrum, you have a larger video production company that usually produces common video for DVD and TV commercials. I'm also a participant in this market as part of my own business. They are set up for larger corporations and often larger requirements for their production. These manufacturing companies usually build their business in accordance with these requirements. They work with larger crews, have more staff and the manufacturing process needs to go through some points before closing is complete. Effective and reliable affordable structure if you are making something with the budget of television advertising. But if you just need to produce a simple but professionally produced video for your website, you'll find the final account quite hefty – much more than your own website. I know because I came from this manufacturing world and I know the cost.

Therefore, I decided that the only way to serve small customers with this particular form of advertising was to set up a small business structure with an amazingly streamlined production process that could still deliver quality custom videos. To give you an idea, you can view any sample of the video idea on the AURA website. Usually, 2 minutes were taken for tourism and real estate in one day by one operator, written, described and modified (with original music) in a few days and then added to the customer website. A reversal that is fundamentally unheard of for television shows or other traditional forms. It's not an easy job and it took a few years to perfect the process, but you can see yourself the quality that can be produced with this model. So the answer to the question is – try to find a small production company that shows the real peculiarities of producing online video. Oh yes, make sure they're really image editors, not in information technology or web design. Nothing against information or web-based companies, but many seem to offer video production as an addition to their other services and it is obvious that they know almost nothing about the industry. If it's one important measure of quality, it's a basic video engine – from scripting, to descriptions, to change and to video analysis. The method of ultimately encoding high quality masters in streaming format (such as Windows Media, Flash, etc.), Adding it to your website or a new page is a relatively simple task.

Tips for your video content

Video Length – This depends on what you sell and who you sell. The most common thing that you hear out there is to "shoot the better" and that online videos should be less than 30 seconds long. While this may have some value for a particular ad form that is usually discussed in relation to this (usually "billing between ads" submitted for or after actual content) for the content we are talking about, this is incorrect. The general rule of thumb that I used to produce streaming videos for real estate managers or tourists in Perth was 2 minutes. Beyond this, without your content being either blisteringly good or your audience highly specialized, it's a little thin. 90 to 120 seconds seemed to work quite well and made the video an opportunity to develop and breathe. Why not just do it like 30 seconds TVC? Just because it's a standard standard for television does not mean that there has to be a norm for video online. If something should be advertised online, it should break out of the signed agreements. It does not have to be 30 seconds and does not have to be. If people are on your site, you probably feel interested in what you are and what you offer, rather than matching emergency TV support between Idol interruptions.

In our studies, users have wanted to get full experience, the details, not just a prominent summary of the 30 second sales pitch. This, of course, depends on your content. For example, suppose you wanted to produce a video presentation for each of your products. Be aware that each presentation would not exceed 20-30 seconds, especially if it was something relatively simple. My own video presentation of my business takes about 1 minute, but for other businesses, I could see shorter and longer videos. And do not forget, there are ways in which you can break up longer videos, like DVD chapters that you can choose. Give viewers an opportunity for what item they want to watch.

Join the script of the video – This does not mean writing the final copy for it, but if you have these skills it will prove useful for the final product. But make sure the components of the business you want to push are understood by the video company that makes the transaction online. If they're worried about their work, they should be an effective guide to your strategy and approach to your video ad. Even if you are not exactly sure what you want to show, give them thoughts and ideas. They can translate some of these ideas into line and streamline.

Make it Personal – Although a copy of your website needs to convey a professional image and stems from the features and benefits of your product using a particular language does not have to be the total sales pitch. One of the strengths of the video is its ability to build knowledge, knowledge and sense. I assume that this item is applied to marketing in general. Customers do not necessarily force companies that they consider to offer them the most in difficult terms. They often choose companies and companies that they know and feel good at the human level. That's because many people still prefer to buy from local businesses and also why any company with marketing campaigns that emphasize people over product goes very well. Video has this ability to realize what else would feel impersonal and cold. Look at many of the most successful websites and how they are designed visually. Check how many people use photos, especially face, as a fundamental element of visual design, regardless of what product they try to sell you. This design approach is used to prevent the feeling of a webpage as an impersonal bill that will eventually gobble up your money. Video has the strength to be able to do this further by offering life and personality, man's texture and voice and face. Think about this when you make your video. Think about whether your entire video should focus entirely on your product and entertain the idea that maybe people want to see the people's culture behind this product too.

You Sell Lifestyle – When I'm watching video ads for tourism and real estate, it's important to keep in mind that I'm selling a lifestyle and not just & # 39; be & # 39;. You are always selling experience. Even if it's for aerosol dispensers, you're selling the wonder that is inferior to your customers. So do the basics of your video. It's very tempting with a video to show and explain everything – I've had clients in real estate, for example, I want to get detailed descriptions of all buildings. But even though part of my job is to show real qualities, first and foremost, I'm making a film about the lifestyle that lives in such and such assets. It is also why emphasis is placed on culture that relates to the property, not just the structure itself. If you are working with a video producer, let them know that you want to focus on the lifestyle that your products or services convey and let them know how you want audiences to experience. The result will be much stronger and your video will be much more effective.

Voice – A lot of videos are containing voices. They are very effective in lending a story or story to the video. I have a dedicated voice artist and do all I have to do in the band. And it's amazing what the effect of having a good voice will do to lift an ad. On the flipside of it, having a poor voice will bring down even the strongest points of view. If you can not afford great live animation, you can at least create this to some extent with an interesting speaker.

Music – Another understated episode of online videos is music. You will run into many video production companies using public or "stock" music. It's usually awful content and makes your video active and ready. AURA does not have this problem, because we also have backgrounds in original music production, thus developing own songs. Ask about music and, if possible, run through a selection of available audio channels for your streaming.

Tips for completing your video.

This is the part where you've gone through the process of producing your video. You have found your manufacturer, it's great to close your video ad and you're ready to add it to your website. Here are some tips:

Make it visible – While this is obvious, many companies unpredictably put a small, barely visible link to the video on their webpage. If you have a thumbnail of text in 8pt that says "Video" with a link, your video is not justified and significantly reduces the performance of your video ad. Highlighted display on your website is selected, with some kind of graphics (animated works best) that attracts clicks from users. Videos are still rare on most websites, and users will easily see that the site even has videos without it being significantly labeled.

Portal power – If your company signs their products on portals, why not link to your video. Sometimes a connection to hosted accommodation is prohibited from directing links to your website because they work from decisions made by people to book on the site. However, in my experience, they are much more open to allowing links to videos directly, provided they are not taken by people on a dedicated website. This is sometimes the option of having a simple connection to your video rather than trusting that it's only built-in on your webpage. Ideally you should have both. This way you can see it within your site, but you can also send people links directly to the video or list it as a link to other people's web pages.

Video Search – This is the area that makes big waves at the moment in the search engine world. With Google videos, Myspace, YouTube and other players, your video can be a key part of your search engine. You should upload your videos to all of these sites and provide a keyword list of content and a link back to your site. It will not cost you anything. Video search is going to take off in a big way, with major players Google, Yahoo and MSN all putting big money into marketing and developing this new platform. Also keep in mind the paid advertising market that will occur in the future with Google and Yahoo. You can have a very visible direct connection to your video directly from search. To upload, ask the manufacturer's video device for a higher diagram of your video, either in Windows Media Format or MPEG-2.

Offline Action – Your video should be able to be delivered to your physical media in some way or another for low additional costs. This could be a DVD video, as part of a CD, or just as a digital file on a disc. Videos are usually shot and modified to a very high standard and then compressed very much for streaming on the internet. This means that the manufacturer will probably have broadcast quality master, either on tape or digital file. At AURA we have unpacked masters on external hard drives or DVDs. This also means that the streaming videos are evident in the future – if something new magnificent video codec, like a new version of Flash or Windows Media, comes out, we can take the captain and re-code it again to take advantage of new technology. Also, as broadband becomes faster, we can increase part of our videos.

If you have high quality digital digital files, you can use your video to another, such as showing it on a DVD-quality business review or repackaging it as part of a CD or CD-ROM.

The hope I've discussed will help you when you start a great adventure to produce your first video ad for your website. I will come back later to discuss other aspects of video streaming and also other interesting media content that has been widely used on corporate websites – streaming. Until the next time, take care and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me or visit my website at www.onlineaura.com.au [http://www.onlineaura.com.au]

Source by Micheal Fletcher-Jones